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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Medusa

  1. Maybe start looking into using different classes for different tasks. Would help you a lot if you had one task for banking, and another for doing the spell stuff.
  2. learn to use conditional sleeps. It works great for stuff like that.
  3. Not sure if you have to do this, but maybe open the inventory when checking if it contains smth. Same for spells.
  4. Nice script considering it's your first one Gl with your future scripts. Just noticed that you say it doesn't run. Why do you have a class within another class? You can just use one class and have that extend Script
  5. You suicide botting the weekends? I used to do that, and it doesn't work anymore since Jagex hired someone to work weekends.
  6. I would answer you, but I can't really. Just open the jar with a zip viewer and drag in the packages etc. in the library jar (The json one) EDIT: Or even better, import the github java classes directly into your project.
  7. Ty for the giveaway Don't actually want to participate as I don't have an acc.
  8. Ran a red light two days ago. Was actually two red lights... Was pretty fun. The part about me possibly dying was the best.
  9. 1. Bot in moderation. Don't keep it going for too long 2. "How it works". You didn't specify what script you're gonna use. 3. Again. Can't answer without more details as to what script
  10. Don't think the first widget needs updating, but I made the second one static, so you will have to update that. Just use OSBot's widget finder thing (In the client) to find the new ID, or make it dynamic using the getWidgetContainingText function.
  11. i pey $2 for dis. Vouch for this dude btw
  12. Added gif to make it easier to understand. (Very gone due to my image server being ded)
  13. Hello. I saw a post on here asking for a script ID, and I thought I'd make a tutorial on how to find the IDs of free scripts. First you wanna go to the SDN and find the script you want the ID of. Then right-click on the "add" or "remove" button, and click "Inspect Element" (Chrome). Then it should highlight something like this: <button class="button basic_script_label red" onclick="window.location='/mvc/sdn2/scripts/0?action=rmv&amp;scriptID=1030'"> Remove </button> Where it says "window.location='", you can see part of a web path. The last bit of that will contain the scriptID (The number after "scriptID=") If you have any questions, feel free to ask
  14. I can vouch for this. I always recommend this to anyone who doesn't already have JDK 8
  15. If you are on the original IP address, you'd most likely be able to send in a recovery request.
  16. Might have to update second trade screen accept widget (You'll have to do it)
  17. Had an account with 5 bans on it. Still use it to this day
  18. https://adoptopenjdk.net Just install this and it should work. No need to uninstall (If I remember correctly)
  19. Did you check the logger for any errors? I login just fine after being logged out
  20. You don't need mozilla in any way to run it. My git repo is poorly structured. Made a shitty video on how to do it:
  21. Replied on Discord, but to anyone else needing an answer: This isn't a script. It's a standalone program which doesn't have anything to do with actual OSBot. Well not a lot at least.
  22. Type of trade: 07 script Your contact info (skype, discord, etc): Oof#5204 Other Person's contact info (skype, discord, etc): Alpha#4534 Do you agree to TOS: Yes Unique ID: 184549835028955136
  23. I realise your problem is fixed, which I think is great, but I don't think OSBot only accepts 1,2 etc. as inputs for world hopping? I have an array of world numbers (302,303 etc.), and it hops just fine to any of those. In other words, I can use getWorlds().hop(302); just fine... Could this be due to changes in OSBot 2.5.46?
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