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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Medusa

  1. Technically you could just use mine. All you have to do is update a few things, and it'll work again. You can probably pay someone to fix it tbh
  2. What script? Not enough details for anyone to help you lol EDIT: Guessing you're talking about Perfect Runecrafter as you've posted on that thread as well.
  3. Just noticed that Jagex has re-done their account creation procedure. This might be the cause of failed account creations. I said I'd try to re-write the method, but I really don't know if I'll have the time. If anyone has re-written it, please submit a PR on the github repository so people can use the program again
  4. I didn't see this message before today. To anyone having this problem, I'll attempt to re-create the account creation process during my x-mas break. This will hopefully result in a better experience with the program.
  5. If you read previous comments on this thread, you'll realise that I've answered this question before. However, I'll answer it again. Proxy authentication (Usernames/Passwords) is not supported yet, and probably won't be until I (or someone else) re-write the account creation part of the program.
  6. What are the requirements for Sudoku?
  7. You need the scripts stored locally, and then in the script name/ID box you want to type the name that appears in your scripts list.
  8. If you make an account on one IP and login on a completely different IP, the account(s) will most likely be locked. Fastest way to unlock them would be to make an account unlocker. (Send post request to URL with parameters needed, and then somehow check email) EDIT: Like Juggles says, you need to register an email for the account(s). I suggest doing like in my account creator, and using the same email on all accounts by adding +1 (or another number) before the email domain.
  9. Proxies->Settings->Enable Proxies Proxies->Add Proxies->Load From File The proxies need to be stored in a .txt format, like this
  10. The plus sign is needed in order to connect all the accounts to one email. Don't think I wanna change this. You can do it yourself by changing the source and compiling it yourself though.
  11. Show me your console. I'm fairly sure it does blank+1@gmail.com, then moves on to blank+2@gmail.com You're the only one with this problem as far as I know.
  12. nah, but he's still VIP on a botting forum, which could make it look like he is botting. In general it's a good idea to blur usernames on botting forums lol
  13. Gz lol. Might want to blur that username or smth?
  14. Ah. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into changing it asap. I've already thought about re-writing the actual creation process, as the one right now is kinda scuffed, but I've never really had the time.
  15. Try to run it from a command line using -debug 5005 EDIT: Just realised this is from the 2nd of November...
  16. https://osbot.org/forum/settings/signature/
  17. This is free to use, so not sure what you mean by "good paid script" lol. You already have the possibility of launching each account using a script (Only Windows for now), so you can just have that launch the tutorial island script you want to use.
  18. Windscribe. Honestly, any VPN is better than Cyberghost.
  19. Pretty sure it's mapped with different "coordinates" it can walk on, but idk tbh. We have access to the use of WebWalking, but I don't think we can access to actual "data" it contains.
  20. Semi-Custom Usernames are now available if you compile the source yourself (Thanks to @Dot). Pre-compiled jar will have this feature once I've gotten some more stuff added.
  21. Looks awesome! Good luck with the project, and as other people might've said, be careful when you choose your partner
  22. Medusa


    Membership is required for using the sawmill. Also says you need membership in this thread :))
  23. The email method works. your-email+1@gmail.com would just be an extension for your email, and it'll send the messages to the inbox of your-email@gmail.com. Sure. I made this project open-source in order for people to add their own features, fix bugs etc. If you have any socks5 proxies you can give me in order to add the feature, I might be able to do it pretty soon.
  24. Why gravedig and get your post count up like that though? (I realise I'm doing basically the same now, but I'll happily have this post not count towards my total post count) tbh not sure Spam/Off-topic counts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I should've thought more about it before I called you out
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