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Everything posted by Gunman

  1. @xnitionI recently ran into this issue. A temporary fix would be using 64 bit java instead of 32 bit. After a while I also assumed it was a client issue, but it wasn't. I would recommend you reboot your system into safe mode. Open a CMD or PowerShell and type "sfc /scannow" . It should say something like "Beginning verification phase" and there should be a another line below it saying "Verification x% complete". Wait till it finishes, then restart your pc and try opening MM again.
  2. @obrandso The script will forever be stuck in the first if statement if you don't have law runes.
  3. @bigbob420Pretty sure project SDK needs to be set to java 8 and in artifacts you don't put the osbot jar there and you're not exporting the script file. Open test element and double click the test out file
  4. I remember reporting this a long time ago but the bot get's stuck on a rock fall at the blue circle below. If I remember correctly this can happen in more locations. But what it looks like is the bot is walking and checks if a rock fall is then, then trys to walk further to the bottom right position but a rock fall falls at the right time right in front of it. Bot will stay stuck trying to walk thinking the rock fall isn't there till I manual have it mine the rock fall. It's fairly uncommon. Happens to me once every hour or 2. Client: Stealth Injection 2.5.70
  5. I currently have 0 bans on either version... .70 has 1 account suiciding in p2p for ~48h now, 1 combat account killing chickens when melee stats under 20 and then switches to cows till base 60's at ~24h .73 has 1 account suiciding agility in Mirror Mode ~24h, Another combat like above with same hours of ~24h 100% sure it's because of Jagex working at home. Plus the server issues probably, got their hands full.
  6. They're down again. They were up but not anymore
  7. What do you mean they workin now....
  8. Mhmm looks like rc just sucks lol
  9. No. None of the tutorial island scripts does this here at OSBot.
  10. Gunman


    Botters together stronk!
  11. Gunman

    Stealth NMZ

    Did you not see the 2 post above you, where one person asked for a trial and he authed them. The answer is yes lol
  12. @Patrick Do you have any ideas to counter the issue with combat scripts? Example being Fruity Zulrah and Excellent Vorkath would need faster mouse speeds.
  13. Oh that's hella cool. May be a problem with bans lowered because of the quarantine, but still can do testing of the 2 mouse version side by side.
  14. I highly doubt that. People get false banned quite often. Even when using Jagex's client. Just appeal the ban, if you didn't bot you should get unbanned.
  15. Yeah, just use the or operator -> || and add another boolean to check if you leveled up
  16. @Jueix Does changing the if's like this fix that? Because it shouldn't go into the else if like you have it now if it already was inside the if before it. if(randomclicks < 3) { //stuff } else if(randomclicks >= 3) { //stuff } if(inventory.getItem("My item end").getAmount() == 28) { //stuff }
  17. @Jueix Okay I see why it's going to stage 3. It's because the break; is inside the else if and the code isn't reaching that, so it continues to the next case. Now idk if anything else is broken in case 2 but that's why it's moving to case 3 regardless if it should or not.
  18. @Jueix You had it right using the press and release getKeyboard().pressKey(32); getKeyboard().releaseKey(32); I personally use the number^ But it said there was an NPE at line 128. What's line 128?
  19. @Jueix If you're doing what I think you're doing the dialogue api won't work on a widget. Example the widget that pops up when making unfinished potions. So the if dialogue is pending is returning false. EDIT: Reading the new post you made.
  20. Not that hard. Lurk in the discord people ask about scripts being made every other day.
  21. You can sell private scripts without s1 just can't make a script shop. And even if you do get s1 Token needs to approve you for it. And in my case my application apparently got put onto the other page already so he missed it, and probably forgot about it again If he get's around to it he get's around to it other wise I am not putting another in and just gonna continue working on my personal projects. EDIT: Oh and yes people have been accepted since then.
  22. Mhmm Idk I've been waiting almost 6 months now for a response. Fingers crossed now
  23. @Botthestrange Honestly quite a lot of people here love drama. Most the people in the discord love juicy disputes and shit like that. So go for it because a lot of people would probably appreciate a wide honest review on multiple products comparing to other products.
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