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Everything posted by Gunman

  1. Yeah....Move it out of the case. private int ItemsMade = 0;
  2. @mousbros Pretty sure you're reseting the counter every time at the start of the case. Log the int at the start of the case and the end and see if it is being reset each time. Also you can do ItemsMade++; instead of ItemsMade +=1;
  3. @mousbros Make a int called whatever you want. Then you have 2 options you can either track it based off what is in your bank when you go to bank or do int++ after everytime you mine the ore.
  4. @PotentiYou can do what Naked said. Idk why nobody knows how to use google but here you go 0:50 to 2:06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht49v0UXqds
  5. @Potenti You need java 8. If you did already download and install java 8 then you need to make a environmental path to the java 8 folder.
  6. @StoneyKinoby I know it's possible to be banned before you even log into the account a single time for macroing major on bad af ips but I am assuming this was on your home ip. Probably just bad luck? I've had 2.5-3k accounts banned on a single data center ip and never received bans like that on it.
  7. @mousbros Why not use the depsoitBox API method open to open the depositbox? Also to expand off what Agentcallooh said if (getDepositBox().isOpen()) { if (getDepositBox().depositAllExcept("Bronze pickaxe")) { //sleep } } else if (getDepositBox().open()) { //sleep till open } else { //walk to deposit box area } I would do it like this^ If the box is open it will go to the next if and only if that boolean returns true will it sleep. So it doesn't sleep for 10 seconds or whatever if the action failed. Continue to the else if statement, the API method will look and see if there is a deposit box nearby to attempt to open it. If it does it will then continue to the sleep or whatever you wanna do after. Else walk to the box.
  8. @mousbrosNow make a check for if dialogue is pending but you can't use any of the complete dialogue API methods it will get stuck and break. Use getDialogues().selectOption() or widgets
  9. @mousbros Thought I told you a lot of the dialogue API methods are borked on tut island? You gotta make your own dialogue handler using widgets(may be possible with color detection). If those widgets != null getDialogues().clickContinue(); else do other things
  10. @Onayr Look at #15 here https://osbot.org/forum/topic/115124-explvs-scripting-101/
  11. You can create an account on bad ips and get them banned before even logging in. Do what everyone else said and appeal
  12. Just move the code to the onLoop.
  13. @CrashBandiboob That seems a little redundant. Try using a for loop to clean it up. Could also use getInventory().getSlotBoundingBox(#here); to declare which inventory slot you're dealing with
  14. @CrashBandiboob Make a custom drop method.
  15. Try the one on the SDN in the money section. It should work better.
  16. Agility just sucks ass to bot. Ban city
  17. @Token Issue: Spam rubs digsite pendant till it's gone. Then spams teleporting to fossil island. If I manually board and travel the ship it works fine from there on, until next trip with the pendant getting stuck again. Client: SI 2.5.70 Logger: https://pastebin.com/bEL2b3gD Picture of settings.
  18. The script isn't official released yet, so it won't show in your collection. Check the script list on the client; It should show there, under the name "Stealth Passive Goldfarmer"
  19. @sam kerridge Lower the ms to 50. shift+f4
  20. @botelias The average wait time is about 1.5 weeks to a month from what people said they waited.
  21. Gunman

    Stealth NMZ

    One down two more to go Config used below. Put in C:\Users\User\OSBot\Data\StealthNmz yes
  22. If it's the account I think Sib is talking about then it was mostly private but did use a couple paid. I personally have used many paid scripts on injection and have just fine.
  23. Yes. Technically you can remove onStart, onPaint, and onExit for the actual bare minimum.
  24. MM -> Casual/ 1-4 accounts max. SI -> Farms I normally do fine with both.
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