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Everything posted by 1anter

  1. its because of the f2p update it will still go up up up
  2. broke it in a good way or a bad way
  3. hey fren would like to test it
  4. his a ENGINEER what more should he learn
  5. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://imgur.com/8r25RIU 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 1m+ in bank https://imgur.com/vltPMEa 3. Pictures of the quests completed 82 QP 4. The price you will be starting bids at a decent offer 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account N/A 6. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 GP / paypal if trusted 7. Your trading conditions one of us go first or mm 8. Pictures of the account status got a 2 day ban 2 or 3 years ago 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address im oo
  6. welcome, garyshood is legit
  7. hi, how much will this account be worth https://imgur.com/TZaQdw2 https://imgur.com/oLq9328 31 QP no bans edit: should i get 90+ thieving and sell it or make it into a starter main and sell?
  8. 1anter

    you alive ?

  9. change your name to "rich"
  10. what is the difference between the old and new mouse patterns?
  11. 1anter


    done ty all
  12. try using this version
  13. @D Bolter has the best proxies
  14. you cant use proxies on mirror mode if you want to use both set the proxies on your internet
  15. if you get this message you need to register a email on the account
  16. 1anter


    nothing is impossible
  17. https://www.java.com/en/download/
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