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FuryShark last won the day on November 28 2022

FuryShark had the most liked content!

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  1. does the fury AIO woodcutter still working??? I would buy the script straight up if i could! might as well renew my monthly VIP!

  2. Making sure there is no bugs and people cant mess with your bot somehow is the best way.
  3. add me on discord
  4. Have tried a private version that telegrabs, sorta works but it has its own problems. since your telegrabbing your not running to where the loot is so your staying further away making it only good to get the first item if nobody else is there. and there is a delay in telegrabbing so if someone loots it while your telegrabbing you cant try looting something else until its done. could add it as an option and let you decide though. though will be competing with other telegrabbers then
  5. Once I cheated on FarmVille back in 2010...
  6. Just started one up for fun. Still ezzzzzzz level 3 profit weeeeeeeeeeee
  7. Hope you're well man. Long time no speak!

  8. we are back online https://discord.gg/qn2dA9uny9
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