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Everything posted by Turkoize

  1. LETS DO SOME MAFF BOIS. That's 12,111,575 xp solely from yews & 804127.5 xp from willows. Now lets take a look at this scripts date of March 15th, 15 days ago. Yews are noticeably slow xp/hr initially then there's an upward scale in XP/hr capping at around a liberal 40k xp/hr. Now for estimates sakes we all know 1/2 of 99 is 92, so from 60-92 is 6,243,511 xp. If we scale the xp/hr down to an average 30k/hr, from 60-92 it would be 208 hours of gameplay. From 92-99 it would be the remaining xp of 6,517,178. Now we can consider WCing at a higher XP rate of around 40k/hr, that's 163 hours. 163 + 208 = 15 1/2 days using this script, pretty much exactly using the script since its inception without breaks. Was this all from this script sir?
  2. At the morning the sky were darkled with fearful. No birds flying around or even heard any voices of them. The streetlights were killed by the very thick fogs. Only few people were walking slowly on the sidewalk. There was something wrong with them, their faces, it looks mournful and their eyes were not opened normal, It look like they were just waked up from the long nap or still dreaming for lying on their warming bed. That situation usually happed in one day a week. Guess what? That is Monday morning. Monday mark the end of the week and the beginning of the new week, I waked up and ready to going to school. I don't know why that day is not ordinary like others. It hard or something or maybe I can't just let's the weekend go. All I think is stay home and enjoy sleeping on my bed, but it never happen in my diary or written in my dictionary. I know what is important to do and not. So I have to go. Monday is a first day in the whole week that I have to go thru, it much more like starting a new life with many obstacles ahead are waiting for me to overcome each of them nicely and tricky. I always wish its Friday. Friday is the last day of the week for going to school, it make me feel comfort and enjoying life. Usually I don't have much homework on that day and more than that the weekend makes me drool. Drool of having two days relax and ready to defense my foe attacking, Monday. Monday is come, Monday is gone and Monday is back. Every times it brought something different and the level getting harder but I don't regret to live with this...
  3. What service do you need: Torso & Void Do you agree with the t.o.s.: Yes Did you add me on skype: Yes
  4. All good homie. Take this tho. Your music taste is still ass
  5. Ok so start the script and when it attempts to open the bank to deposit the wine/ withdraw supplies, click elsewhere in the inventory or bank or wherever to emulate a mis-click and it'll terminate saying no supplies left
  6. AHA! I FOUND THE CAUSE. If something causes it to mis-click somehow it defaults to no supplies found. I accidentally hovered my mouse over the screen and it moved the mouse a bit which caused it to mis-click after opening the bank and it terminated the script due to "no supplies found".
  7. yeah because gearing didn't edit his post
  8. gf sent the names to mod weath YA DONE kid. But i'd pay around 250m for #1 and 300 for 2 tbh.
  9. this lasted longer than most of my girlfriends tbh
  10. No errors, just normal log then: "Ran out of supplies!" then exits the script as normal. I moved the supplies from a tab to the main tab and it worked better. Who knows edit: jk, still happens
  11. Yo Jug, used this at monkfish and worked well with one glitch. If a spot spawns east of the banker, it clicks on the spot to net, then walks back in front of the shop which logs "Walking to spot" then repeats that cycle until it chooses another spot. A bit odd.
  12. Yo bud, for some reason it seems to terminate the script early with "ran out of supplies" even though I have like 40k grapes & jugs in the bank
  13. That's what happens when you welcome everyone with open arms. Jus saying.
  14. Shits dope Thanks for making above average scripts that I can use on my main. Give me all your scripts for free since I'm loading your threads with proggies.
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