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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. RS2Object o = getObjects().closest(AREA, "Door"); if(o != null)... Checks if there's an object with the name 'Door' in AREA
  2. public boolean shouldHop() { return getPlayers().filter(p -> p != null && myPlayer().getArea(5).contains(p)).size() > 1; }
  3. gross. way too high. 50-60 is the ideal number here, people
  4. im gonna start offering for $10 suck it
  5. you said it downloads as a white page, correct? if I'm not mistaken, that means that it's not recognizing the file type (.jar). when you try to open it, what message do you get?
  6. gold prices would plummet to an all-time low
  7. Member @Anne:Feedback on activity: meh, didnt include me in the listShitposts or qualityposts: a solid 5/7What could @Anne improve on?: including me in the listAnything else?: the gameOverall Rating 1/10: 5/7
  8. ive found that mcdonalds is very fulfilling if you're up for it
  9. chris is right. you can have the Player muleaccount; definition at the top, but you can't have any references to Script before onStart(), so you need to put the assignment in onStart() your onStart() should look like this: public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); muleAccount = getPlayers(...); log("Welcome to beef slave"); log("This is a quick money making method"); log("Please post errors to thread"); }
  10. private boolean containsMe(Area[] areas) { for(Area a: areas) { if(a.contains(myPlayer()) { return true; } } return false; }
  11. Is this a possibility? The option to switch between the new/old layouts of the OSBot forums?
  12. can i see the context in which you're using it? i am 100% sure the code is correct.
  13. public boolean areaContainsPlayers(Area a) { return getPlayers().closest(p -> p != null && !p.equals(myPlayer()) && a.contains(p)) != null; }
  14. I made an edit regarding crossing out banned names before, though I feel like there still needs to be some larger indication of a negative (and perhaps neutral) feedback, so people are more aware of who they're dealing with.
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