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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. Ok. Let's get real here. You touch screen emulation is a mock up of something that's already been done countless times on OSBot, by me, by many new scripters, and by countless other scripters. Why? Because the OSBot API makes it easy to generate mouse events. That's why you're on OSBot and not your own personal client. There was even a new kid (literally, completely new to OSBot scripting) a month ago who made multiple scripts, like an herblore script designed to mimic touch screens exactly like you. You really think this idea is unique, and that you're the only one to come up with it? Jesus christ, kid. Everybody is mocking you and nobody has bought your shitty script yet because your head is so far up your ass that you think that you're the only one to create what people thought of years ago. But please. Let's all buy your amazing script for $1000. News flash, retard. Private scripts have a lower ban rate. My friend has gotten over 500 sets of void from a pest control script I made him for 50M. Same friend made bils from a Wintertodt script I made him for 40M when Wintertodt just came out. Get real, retard. Anyone can make scripts on OSBot with a low ban rate. It's fucking easy. Edit: Does anybody want to come out to the barbecue that I'm having right now? I just completely roasted @dmmslaver and his shitty scriptmaking skills, so everybody's good to come over now.
  2. Yes, you are definitely the only one to discover the OSBot API. We should just name you King Developer and kick out Alek, MGI, and Zach. In fact, why do we even have admins or an SDN when the King Scripter can make us scripts? Please, King Scripter, make me a knight thiever for $1000. I'll pay cash. Up front. You don't need vouches; I trust you because you're the King Scripter with 0 bans and 100 confirmed 200M xp accounts. Please tell me more about the caveats that the OSBot API offers.
  3. No, I'm pretty sure @dmmslaver is right. He has patent approved antiban technology that is proven to keep Jagex away like it were a doctor from an apple. He's gotten multiple accounts to 200M xp on 2007, and while they're unverified and he's not willing to show any evidence, his antiban uses the mouse to undetectably teleport from one place to another, which nobody has ever thought of before. You can bot on whatever account you care about if you use his antiban. I've heard that even if an admin sees you, he can't ban you. That's how good dmmslayer's antiban is. Goddamn I'm almost overloading with
  4. With all of your feedback and patent proven antiban technology, I can't wait to get ahold of your code and steal it from you, and I'm sure the developers are thinking the same. Can I please buy the script from you for $1000? I can't wait to start my own farm! If you don't let me, I'll just be forced to pay you $10,000 dollars instead because it's such a valuable script. If you could actually show me one of your multiple accounts with 200M xp, I might even give you my house.
  5. You seem really knowledgeable. Do you have a $5 script that you'd like to sell me for 200x its real price by any chance?
  6. This is a bad script, and only a retard would buy it for more than 15m.
  7. Then tell me, at what point should a scripter totally rewrite a script? And should they totally throw out their code? When is a script totally invalid? When the first person get banned, or the second moron that tried to run for 24 straight hours without getting banned? Do you seriously expect scripters to consistently trash their totally valid code and rewrite a functioning script from scratch? Lol what? You're calling 2 of the best scripters on OSBot lazy because even though their scripts are literally flawless, people run them improperly, or get unlucky, and are banned?
  8. Let's get a few things straight. 1. There are a few reasons why scripts get a higher ban rate over time: a) People who don't know what they're doing b) Consistent reports c) Excessive use and subsequent detection There is no way around this aspect of scripts. Unless the scripter were to totally rewrite the script, which is utterly ridiculous, the ban rate will increase. The only possible option would be to raise the price of scripts to a ridiculous number, which isn't a real option because above all, OSBot is a business. If you expect a scripter to totally rewrite a good script that functions well because a few people who didn't know what they were doing out of a couple hundred users got banned, then your expectations are too high for anybody to meet. Not even a private scripter would rewrite a script repeatedly for free. If a scripter writes a good, flawless script, take the script as it is - a flawless, well-written script is the best "antiban" you can have. Most of the pseudo-antiban BS that people add in doesn't mean anything. 2. A script maintains a 'monopoly' (though there are many things wrong with this word) over the market because it's a good script. If it were consistently getting trashed, it wouldn't maintain a monopoly and someone would make another, different script. That's how any market works. Scripts are consistently bought because they're good scripts written by good scripters with good reputations. Don't get upset with Czar or Khal because they make good scripts. 3. There is no 'ultimate antiban' that a scripter could add to make it undetectable. This is impossible.
  9. Bluntly, no - this is completely wrong. People who buy my private scripts consistently come back for more because of the quality and lifetime bug fixes that I give, though they rarely even need to ask for bug fixes because the finished product is flawless and heavily tested. SDN scripts are a general 1 stop shop for a general market, which definitely is not a bad thing, but private scripts are for specific methods that the user doesn't want to be released (especially with the significantly lower ban rate of private scripts), or they offer something that an SDN script doesn't. That's why for the vast majority of the private scripts that I've made, people have made significantly more than they paid for the script. Whether you like it or not, they're a necessary part of the market, and if they're banned, people will just do them in an underground fashion. Let's get real here. Private scripts can't be banned, however their rules need to be far more stringent, and I say this having made many private scripts because the current rules give way too much power to the scripter to churn out garbage or resell private scripts. @House @Extreme Scripts @Flamo (or whatever pseudonym he's using now)
  10. Not going to lie this is getting pretty inappropriate at this point. If you were making the point that private scripts should be held to a higher standard, then I'd agree because the current private script rules give the scripter way too much leeway to make trash. But your posting is getting ridiculous.
  11. this worked for me, make sure you're also deleting all versions of the osbot client like those in old_osbot_jars
  12. if its high enough level to be doing that kind of slayer, you're probably only gonna get a 2 day ban.
  13. Less bans, or better scripts?
  14. i don't have your computer. how would i know this?
  15. super muffins to the rescue of all noobs
  16. they'll go down to the price of ags over time. ags was overhyped for awhile then fell to a steady 40m. same will happen to claws.
  17. If you have less than 100 feedback, don't bother responding. Post your rates below or pm me on skype if you already have me added. Status: 270M Remaining
  18. Delete the OSBot client and your OSBot folder. Redownload OSBot and reopen it, and the problem should be fixed.
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