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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. Just going to clear up a few things. A normal distribution is *not* a uniform distribution, and has a standard deviation, but is by no means composed of just a standard deviation (@Final). A normal distribution has a mean and standard deviation. 68% of the values in a normal distribution are within the first standard deviation (+/-); 95% are within the second (think it's 95.3% but I can't be sure); 99.7% are within the third. gRandom(), which is now fixed not fixed, utilizes a normal distribution, and is in no way a replacement for random(). random() uses a uniform distribution, in which each number has an equal probability of occurring, meaning gRandom() is *not* the same thing is based upon the details above. If you don't know how it's used, I wouldn't recommend using it. Edit: It looks like gRandom() only uses the right side of the normal distribution.
  2. A friend sent me a PM on Skype where somebody told him about how @Eagle Scripts sent him a fake Skype and is acting like he's been hacked. I pmed Eagle's real Skype which has not responded in the past ~ 10 minutes, so I figured it would be safest just to request a safety ban until we know his account is under his control.
  3. at the least there should be a feedback requirement to start a service.
  4. Seems to me that only a retard would make a thread like this...
  5. Live feed of MM trade that went wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjfMVqL344Y
  6. i'll look into falador other people have said that they've had problems with it as well
  7. Still waiting to see those 'multiple' 200M accounts (200M on DMM != 200M on OSRS) why have you still not provided proof of this? you've been sitting on here arguing for hours - also, for two seasons, I got by doing exactly what @Final did, except also with Paladin's chest, eventually getting 99 on multiple accounts. It's not difficult. The only "proprietary" aspect of your script is the pseudo antiban. Anybody can randomize a script and its movements. Real players don't move randomly.
  8. How many premium antibans equate to 9 years of programming on an RSPS website?
  9. We got it. You're the god of OSBot scripting. How about that proof now?
  10. "The only account I have a screenshot of at 200m EXP is STILL unbanned from last years SDMM." Waiting on this magical photo of 200M xp even though it seems to not exist based upon your reddit thread... If you have proof of those other 'multiple' accounts too, I'd be happy to see them.
  11. Ok. Let's simplify this. Show us the screenshot.
  12. That's not 200M xp as you claimed. Also, you don't have a screenshot, which you said you had like 3 posts back. Stop asking me for 1000M. Your scam is shitty. Let's recap here. Your pseudo-antiban is a lie, and you don't try to defend it. I've been trying to get you to respond for 3 posts. You lied about the 200M thieving xp (the maximum on there is 114M xp), and still haven't shown a screenshot. Let alone the "multiple" accounts at 200M xp like you claim. And lastly, you think that your knight thiever, which you valued at 1B, is worth stealing to the OSBot admins, despite taking less than 10 minutes to make. I can't wait to give you my 1000M.
  13. 2. I'm sure Alek and Maldesto would love to get their code-stealing paws on your precious code. Guard it with your life or the gremlins might come after your antiban. 5. You're pretty salty that you got called out on this scam thing, huh? 6. Because you can't make hundreds of mils thieving from knights for years on end l0l. That's my point. 7. Let's try this again because you didn't respond here. Your pseudo "antiban" does not count as anything proprietary. Your script literally thieves from knights. 95% of the people on here could write this in 4 minutes. 8. "The only account I have a screenshot of at 200m EXP is STILL unbanned from last years SDMM." The account with 200M xp would've been wiped one year ago if you weren't lying. Go ahead and release its details though so we can see its magnificent levels. Still waiting on that nonphotoshopped screenshot that you claim to have though. Going to send it or not? You can keep trying to lie your way through this, but it's a bad scam. You should cut your losses and leave.
  14. 1. You failed to answer if anybody else has access. 2. It's not hard to sell it to multiple people 3. Good. 4. A video or gif of the script functioning for more than 5 seconds. 5. I'm not interested in buying. This is a scam. Can't help but notice you still haven't posted the 200M screenshot. Don't feel like doing some photoshop work? 6. Literally my first script ever on this site (check local scripts, I released it awhile ago) was a progressive thiever that got me multiple 99s on SDMM. Not hard to do. You owe me $100. 7. Your pseudo "antiban" does not count as anything proprietary. Your script literally thieves from knights. 95% of the people on here could write this in 4 minutes. 8. Do it. Don't talk about doing it. Just do it. Also, you never answered Charlotte's statement. If you're looking to scam, here is not the place. Make it a little more believable next time. lol ok your godly script is the one exception
  15. A few questions that any buyer or user considering buying should have the answers to: 1. Did you make this script? Does anybody else have access? 2. "For the skeptical, if you make a smaller deposit, I will provide you with timelapse video of multiple accounts running 1-99." Why is a deposit required to see just a video of the bot running? If someone were to really waste 1B on this, they should know what they're getting prior. 3. Will you be giving out the code to the person that buys the script, so that the user can verify the claims on this thread? 4. Can you verify the claims on this thread before someone buys the script? (all I'm seeing is bots blocking an NPC) 5. It strikes me that we haven't seen any of these multiple accounts with 200M exp. Maybe showing those accounts would validate this a little bit more? 6. Does this script only thief from knights? Based upon the name of the script and the script description and the gifs, that's what it looks like it does, and virtually anybody could write that in just a few minutes, so I hope this script has something proprietary about it besides its 'antiban', especially if you're expecting 1B. 7. If you can make 50M/day on just 4 accounts, why are you selling this script? Why not wait 20 days, and make double the money instead?
  16. "you're only nice if you give me money"
  17. you didn't do it right. you can't start out with "I've suspected for a long time that my wife is cheating on me." 2/10 meme
  18. Read my last post back. Conceded the integer point because I thought that was a reasonable argument, though a lot of the remainder of the code is extra.
  19. The first method was what I already had, only added in a couple more methods. All of Most of the extra work that you currently have is unnecessary. Edit: I'd be willing to concede the integer methods (note: wrote this in 2 minutes like i said in my post), though the vast majority of your code is extra.
  20. Random r = new Random(); public double gRandom(double mean, double standardDeviation) { return r.nextGaussian()*standardDev + mean; //Regarding the 68-95-99.7 rule, r.nextGaussian() does all of that work for you. All you need is the shift. } public int gRandomInt(int mean, int standardDeviation) { return (int)gRandom(mean, standardDeviation); } public double gRandomBetween(double min, double max) { return gRandom((max+min)/2.0, (max-min)/6.0); //Puts the mean between the max and the min, will only get values within 99.7% of the distribution } public int gRandomBetweenInt(int min, int max) { return (int)gRandomBetween(min, max); } If I've made a mistake in any of these, someone correct me because I wrote these in like a few minutes, but these should work.
  21. similar question asked recently - please look through recent questions before asking one. i've found more useful information through google searching old questions than by asking because 95% of the time the same questions have already been asked.
  22. Team Cape


    RIP, many memes were birthed from this beauty
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