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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. all about the $$$

  2. all about the $$$

  3. This really isn't the purpose of a ConditionalSleep - it might help to copy/paste some pseudocode or the code itself that you're working with, so people can get a better idea of the question you're asking
  4. So, a few problems. I'll go in order of least important to most important: (1) Your code is prone to null pointer exceptions: CT.contains(SC) && SC != null Switch this to check if the object is null first. You should do this for all of your code. (2) (a) The sand crab is quite possibly also not in range. If you're not currently fighting the sand crab, somebody else probably is. How far away are the sand crabs you're trying to interact with? My guess is that they're reasonably far, or not easily visible. (b) Similarly, Sand crabs aren't actually NPCs until you turn them agro by standing beside them. You'll only attack a sand crab if it's already up and around. (3) You sleep for up to an entire minute in between even checking the actions, totally tossing aside actually doing them. return random(3000, 60000); Make this wayyyy less. There are very few scenarios where it would actually make sense to have a gap this big, and this is not one of them. (4) Please look into a state-based system. There are quite a few tutorials on it in the tutorials section. It'll make the code a lot easier to follow when you/others debug. Similarly, revise your variable names if you want others to be able to read your code. I don't know what CT, RSA, or BT are. Side note: This should reset agro anytime there isn't an active sand crab around you, given you have >= 35% HP, and have Salmon/are in some area CT.
  5. Looking forward to inquiring about your services. Discord Team Cape#2088
  6. Looking forward to inquiring about your service. Discord Team Cape#2088
  7. Still making graphics? @KomodoByte please DM me on Discord Team Cape#2088
  8. If you're looking to powerchop in the area, or there's no major barrier (e.g. paying 100 trading sticks) between the bank and the chopping area, then it is equipped to handle that!
  9. Script is back up and functioning well! Put below if you'd like a trial
  10. The FBI is already tracking your location, you sick fuck.
  11. What the fuck. Is this a new meme
  12. Definitely not the SDN for a few reasons. 1) SDN code is all heavily reviewed before it even touches the SDN. 2) Scripters have a lot to lose by even trying to put something like that into their scripts, and with the code reviews after every update, they would not be successful. 3) Developers and those who review the code have even more to lose than scripters. 4) If any of the above people really wanted to hack somebody, they would go for one of the numerous goldfarmers that use the OSBot client and regularly have thousands in OSGP on their accounts, not one random person. It's much, much more likely that you accidentally downloaded a keylogger or clicked on a phishing link. Be careful!
  13. Not sure if this counts, but they're both in the Engineering school at my university, so: Computer Science / Applied Mathematics & Statistics
  14. Team Cape


    I've stopped posting recently, but if OSBot is changing like this, I might become more frequent :) Seems like a lot of the community is changing for the better.
  15. Good bye, man, and apologies on the late response to this thread . Hope you're still around the forums. Thank you for helping me out with various maths/CS projects ? @Alek
  16. i went to a restaurant today and saw a 13 year old girl fortnite dancing in right in the middle of the eating area that's why.
  17. What does this mean..? Also, just a note, for every single item, you press shift, rapidly drop it, then unshift. You do the same thing 28 times, each in the span of less than 50ms.
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