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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. *hidden* Profile: http://osbot.org/forum/user/245429-xerifos/ Hide link.
  2. bruh... wouldnt ever see a trusted servicer on here doing something like this ^ Edit: I like how he can recover/steal the account back for his cousin, but can't recover it back for Abuse with authenticator, like what . You don't do this to a friend. Even if you falter and say what you did was wrong, it shouldn't even be something that you consider.
  3. 2 neutrals and a negative in a total of 40 feedbacks is a little much for me personally
  4. interesting, if that's what you're looking forward to, go for it
  5. i'd go 75/90/70. aside from a dfs, there's basically no reason to get 75 def. dh and barrows would be the ideal goal for 70, and 75 would have tentacle whip, ags, elder maul, etc. lots of good new stuff
  6. doubt osbuddy is gonna report bans to jagex tho
  7. Probably less than an hour tbh
  8. If you would be willing to allow me to use an account to test it, I'd gladly pay you. My account is currently 72 agility.
  9. Devs have been working on this already... If you kept up to date with the bug reports, you would know that.
  10. good question - didnt see a dispute
  11. theres only 4 spots you need to add in manually. then there's a small area that surrounds the center of the GE that you cant put fires in. no need to lay out each individual usable positions. and if you missed one and the bot tries to use it, add it to a list of invalid positions.
  12. Told you not to suicide - 6 days after suiciding is pretty damn good though (45 other people arent on here complaining about bans because they listened m8).
  13. pretty sure you guys are way overpricing it (92 str is only halfway in xp to 99 and rune gloves arent hard to get...) 130-150
  14. A couple of things: The RandomEventHandler generally handles/dismisses randoms. No need to have your own method for it. Also, never compare objects using == or != unless they are enum values (static and final, specific values). If you've already null checked them, there's no reason to compare them without .equals() like right here: randomEvent.getInteracting() != myPlayer() This line: getSettings().setRunning(getSettings().getRunEnergy() < 25 ? false : true); can be more succinctly stated as: getSettings().setRunning(getSettings().getRunEnergy() >= 25); because it returns a boolean. There's no reason to restate something you already know. while (myPlayer().isAnimating()) { mouse.move(-1, -1); } ^ Essentially the same thing, but please just say getMouse().moveOutsideScreen(). Also, the webwalker executes completely in one-go. This means that your code will probably only be utilized once before the walker is used and takes you to the correct destination. In the onPaint() method, please don't define a new font each time. Create one font at the very beginning (because note that onPaint() is restored multiple times and very quickly - this takes up resources), and set the font at the beginning. No need for a new font object on each run. (Graphics2D) graphics).setRenderingHints... There is no need to pass in a type Graphics to this method because you know you're going to be passing in a Graphics2D. This means that there's also no need to cast. spinG.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); Same as the font thing.
  15. I will look into this, thanks for reporting
  16. It looks like you're trying to cache the items that are held in the store. Just do Item[] cachedStoreItems = getStore().getItems()
  17. i think ur just jealous
  18. Maybe try if(gi.exists() && gi.interact("Take"))
  19. No, he wants to stop the sleep when the player is done animating. The issue @OP is that the player doesn't start animating until ~ 1 second after the log is clicked, then he starts animating. You might need to regularsleep for like ~ 1 second before using that conditional sleep, ironically enough.
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