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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. @Alek I also just created a snippet of code that consistently causes the double key event issue, just thought I'd put this out there in case it might help debug the issue.
  2. really just comes down to organization. tasks are easier to organize for bigger scripts because its separates actions into different files
  3. Happy to make this for you It'll all be completely new code as well, and I can finish it today, complete with muling and all. I've made this type of script before so I also have experience in the area. Feel free to PM me on here or PM me on skype and I'll give you a quote on how much it'll cost
  4. Read the thread or any comment before your own please.
  5. I'm still having the same input issues, and if I try to use swing with my script in a GUI setting, I am unable to interact with textareas or textfields. The swing issue is unique to 129, though the issues in disabling input are apparent on both 127 and 129. Edit: The pause button is not the issue regarding input for me. I have a few specific scripts that whenever I try to use them, there are issues with input disabling (which I'm very aware of because I implemented buttons into the script overlay).
  6. V nice script pls release on SDN
  7. Team Cape

    For mio

    y u tryna get that lil boy dick tho
  8. The arabs compiled basically all ancient European, Greek, Indian, and Chinese data (including mathematics, physics, biology, art, technology, etc), and they got it from the Arabs. That's why the European Renaissance happened directly after the Arab golden age lol.
  9. european innovation was built from the innovation of literally hundreds of other nations, from the arabs and greeks, to the indians, to the chinese that effectively pushed them 2000 years ahead of where they would've been.
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