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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. it'll make a difference in bans, but you'll also get less profit/day, so you need to learn to balance the two out
  2. if you take breaks, then you're not suicide botting
  3. Works fine for me, you probably don't have webwalking installed. Try reinstalling the client (deleting the OSBot folder and the client, redownloading, and reopening).
  4. Use contains if you want to check for the word anywhere in what they said or use equals if you want an exact match m.getMessage().contains("doge");
  5. Problems on the course resolved (the update will be live in 1-2 days). Make sure to start the script beside the starting obstacle. This issue is now fixed. The update will be live in a day or two. This issue is now fixed. The update will be live in a day or two. Good to see! The rellekka course has been fixed! That sucks; sorry to hear that guys. For all wondering, the bug has now been patched, so it will go back down the ladder and continue with the course. The update will be live in a day or two. See the update log on the main script thread
  6. The dude in the chatbox saying 'How long did it take u' makes it 5x better. Good shit, buddy ;)
  7. You need Scripter II to sell paid scripts. You have to go through Scripter I to get Scripter II. Edit: Except I believe the scripter II test now requires 5/5, not 4/5, questions to be correct, if I'm not mistaken.
  8. The untested ones should be functioning, though I do not have an account to test them. A user before said that Rellekka worked perfectly for him and had a 4 hour proggy. Good luck!
  9. Looks good, guys! I'll look into the issues that you guys are having and upload an update. Glad you guys like the script! There was a recent script overhaul and I totally modified the script Don't worry about the status message too much! Looking good, buddy
  10. u know what gets us hot and wet, dad ?????????
  11. @Staff He's clearly the same kid, right? Are you guys really not going to ban him? Same account theme, same discriminatory posts, etc. This guy is becoming a cancer real quick... Also, atheism isn't a religion The belief is nothing is contrary to the belief in something.
  12. >when you don't answer an argument so you have to change the argument and still lose
  13. Looks good! Version 2.0 has been released and should be out shortly! All of the BS from the old script was cut out, and now the script is as simple, efficient, and humanlike as possible Enjoy guys!
  14. Nah. America isn't a bad place. I don't support its foreign policy, but it's done so much for me and my family. I'm born and raised in America and likely never gonna leave ;)
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