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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. buy dead man account 1gp alive man no accept
  2. Is it present on all scripts for you, or one specific script?
  3. Any calls to MethodProvider need to happen in or after onStart(). Also, your player will need to be logged in to retrieve myPlayer() if I'm not mistaken. Edit: This thread belongs in Script Help. Please make it there next time
  4. 10/10, took me a second
  5. PM me on skype: imateamcape And I'll send you a list of details.
  6. Looking for someone experienced and familiar with what they're doing. PM me on OSB, on skype, or post below. Make sure your post/pm displays any past work you've completed, because if it doesn't, it's not worth sending it.
  7. Cool graphics, but Apple made a Reminders app... is there a difference between the two?
  8. Team Cape


    you could kill a family of slugs with all this salt
  9. Team Cape


    love how he added in the extra "bitch." at the end 10/10
  10. there are a lot of threads on this already. you can scroll through the community discussion forum and see another 3 just like this one from the past week
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