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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. Don't just do it for me, but for the people of OSBot.
  2. meet in the osbot discord before the seasonal starts and we'll discuss strategy
  3. few hours, DMM invitational is about to start Use discord link at the top of OSBot page to join. couple hours before it starts tho
  4. Looking for a clan or group of people to do this with. If you want to join in doing this or have a group we can join, say something below or come into the Discord PS - if a mod is looking at this, check my chatbox ban appeal real quick
  5. If you're on tutorial island, it does that because you constantly are in dialogue (though it's not with other entities).
  6. this man is lying to you. PM every scripter, developer, and administrator that you can find. If you can't find any PM a sponsor or VIP member to help you. Ultimately, what will get the client fixed is YOU coming into the chatbox to spam.
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