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Trade With Caution
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About Deathimminent

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  1. Posting for a friend. He's using version OSBot version 2.4.162 and Windows 7. Client freezes upon script starting with error message: [ERROR][02/04 12:46:25 AM]: Uncaught exception! java.lang.AbstractMethodError: bc.getName()Lorg/osbot/rs07/accessor/XName; Error doesn't happen for me. I'm using OSBot version 2.4.162 and Windows 10.
  2. Your mistake was buying a proxy off of a site that advertises RS, because even though a proxy may be private that doesn't mean it's clean. Any number of people could have used that same proxy and got banned on it before it was assigned to you. To almost guarantee a clean proxy you would need a "virgin" Socks5 proxy. If you're concerned about the client not using the correct connection, here's a script you can use to check the IP the client is using, just check the logger for output:
  3. Rofl you accuse me of botting and now you say not all macroing bans are because of botting. Man you're something else.
  4. Then you should know the reason someone would want to proxy individual accounts. Quit being dumb. Anyway, someone can delete this thread if they want. I'm done venting.
  5. Yeah, see. That's why I use OSBot for low cpu mode/proxy settings.
  6. How can you proxy each account separately?
  7. But can you proxy with Runeloader or Konduit?
  8. Because it's impossible to receive a ban unfairly, right? All of the accounts locked/banned straight off of tutorial island are justified I guess.
  9. I use OSBot to run my accounts so I can use low cpu mode. This is the only account that has been banned, none of my accounts have used scripts.
  10. Just got banned on an account for client detection lul. The account was never botted. Was training it in NMZ by hand for a couple weeks. I use OSBot to run my accounts for the low cpu mode. This is the only account that has been banned.
  11. Isn't your bank handler going to deposit your hammer as well when you deposit all? I don't see where you withdraw your hammer again to be able to smith.
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