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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. Is the camera positioned in a strange way?
  2. Firstly, you're not going to be using only 1 fishing spot, so there's no reason to only call it once. Secondly, if there's a variable that you need Script to obtain, define it at the top, and assign it in onStart()
  3. no calls to methods inherited from Script are allowed before onLoop(). This means you can't call myPlayer() or npcs.closest()
  4. Team Cape


    Why the fuck are you so entitled? If you want these features, pay for a private script. Also, what the fuck are you talking about?
  5. Interesting, I'll check this out
  6. If u still need just pm me on chatbox or forums
  7. private training scripts, sometimes private moneymaking if i'm testing a script out. no real use in using a moneymaking script on a main account
  8. that's personal/anecdotal experience, though. personally, i've had 3 2-day bans on 2 different accounts. i've gotten 2 day bans, let them expire, then started botting again and gotten more 2 day bans. i havent had a single perm ban on a main since like 2009
  9. They only give 2 day bans for main accounts
  10. you'll use getAppendage() instead, because who says you're playing runescape with your finger?
  11. Total 'no refund' policies, without regard for even specific instances, are always sketchy. Personally if I were you, I'd give a negative feedback and make a dispute.
  12. /Users/Name/OSBot/Scripts
  13. You've been botting for quite a while, and you blame it all on this script? lol
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