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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/4qf2mz/failed_antidragon_shield_poll_because_of_botters
  2. Hello reddit EDIT: Just because you made that reddit post i'll be making Shudsy's Green Dragon Killer.
  3. Seasonal deadman coming out soon and im sure there are a lot of people who isn't in any clan and doesn't want to get fucked by everyone and everything. Got a Discord server setup for OSbot members. PM me if interested.
  4. Some hooks were broken in the client earlier today. Could you try again?
  5. Nvm noticed the boolean Hovering random skills to check exp while high alching sounds like a interesting antiban tho
  6. Hmm really? sec Said you already had gotten one. Should be fixed now
  7. Wasnt trump gonna ban muslims in america?
  8. Pushing an update in a few hours. Update involves: - New cursor paint - Better webwalking. Should now instantly teleport when attacked by other players and be faster than before. - Changed the world hopping code and it should now function more properly. - Paint Added to show current amount of Air orbs in inventory. Example: ( Another item was used for gif, hence why orbs charged stays at 0)
  9. Routes are mostly handled by Webwalker, so opening gates etc and the speed of it is Webwalker's job. One run takes about 1.5-2 min and thats the duration of a stamina potion, thats why it drinks before every run. taking a stamina potion with you will also lower the money/h because of less uncharged orbs. Using a stamina potion every 2 rounds or so would also result in you getting 0 run energy at one point. It used to have a custom cursor, i don't know why it's not there at the moment. I'll take a look and probably add it back. Will take a look at the world hopping. Money per hour is calculated with cost of stamina potions subtracted. Trial lasted 12 hours, and is generally for people to test the script and come to a conclusion of buying it or not.
  10. Bugs out sometimes. You should have one now.
  11. Explv please teach me your ways of knowing the difference between JS and Java.
  12. Been pretty high ranked myself PvE wise on WoW the last few expansions, and WoW is easily one of the best if not the best game i've played. The next expansion comes out at 30th August so if you're going to play the retail version then you should wait until then. When you buy the original game you get every expansion except the last one with your package.
  13. Leather strapped watches all day. Love Armani.
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