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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. Noted, gotta check wc exp twice as often!
  2. If people report bugs in a way that i can test it myself/easier know what code is ran when it happens i try to get them fixed asap. If you ever find any other ones then just report them and i'll fix them. Glad to hear it runs well
  3. Both fixed. Should be working within the day after the updates go through. The bug where it stops after getting attacked by chaos druids is a webwalking problem and developers are aware of it.
  4. The webwalker is coded by OSbot and not me. if its broken its broken on all scripts, and that usually only last for a day.
  5. This has never been broken so yes.
  6. How many charges does your glory have? That NPE in the logger is thrown because the glory returns a null. Did you stop/pause script during glory change or do anything yourself? You shouldn't walk, bank or do anything after you've started the script. Remember, script HAS to be started in bank.
  7. As i said, the osbot webwalker is broken which causes errors with all scripts. Wait for the developer of osbot to fix them..
  8. Not currently no. Sorry
  9. Alright, let's give the full story behind this person. This is his bug report that he originally sent me: Do you know how much code this script has? and if you don't follow the bug template that i provide, there is no way i can ever find out whats wrong. Your bug mentions: Teleports after 1 demon hit: How many times did this happen? It makes no sense as it should be impossible with this code. You are also the ONLY person which has ever said this. Webwalker stops: Not a fault on my side, and this should be fixed soon. Wait for MGI to take a look at the issue. All scripts are broken because of this. 82 Cosmic rune bug: FIXED
  10. Webwalking is broken atm and has nothing to do with the script. Should be up and working soon according to Alek. At the moment i can say that the script is bug free considering the only known bug (82 cosmic rune bug) was fixed earlier today.
  11. "Bot isnt working" "Stop at bla bla" Sec, lemme go check 1000 lines of code to hopefully find the problem. Can you atleast give me pictures of logger and the paint when screaming "HELP FIX PLS"?
  12. Webwalking error. Nothing to do with the script itself. I'll push a fix to 100% fix the 82 cosmic bug. For the fire orb part, maybe at a later date.
  13. This shouldn't really be possible as it only teleports from monsters if it has less than 30% health.
  14. Ban rates are impossible to determine. ive yet to encounter anyone that has gotten banned tho. and yes, you can bot on as many accounts as you like
  15. EDIT: Found the root of this problem. Will push a fix asap. should be working when the push goes through.
  16. All of the walking is handled by the webwalker and not the script itself. I do know of the monster stuck thing, however i've never heard of it getting stuck with the rats?
  17. don't be such a pussy guys! You can do it m8 i believe in you
  18. That doesn't really tell me too much. could you explain the ladder thing? i'll push a fix for the cosmic runes
  19. 350W PSU. Ow GTX 950 meh i3 CPU? oh god. Atleast buy i5.
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