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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. Man is a NPC not a object. NPC man = npcs.closest("man"); You're also missing a " after your name in the manifest.
  2. If you're just starting out it doesn't really matter? take priority in learning over your one day of java pride. If you're starting out we expect to see faults in the code anyway.
  3. You could probably just post your code here. I don't see why you're protective of a lumby pickpocker that (maybe) doesn't work. Unless you really don't want anyone to see it
  4. Having a meetup at Tomorrowland isnt the best idea lol. i would kill to go there, and if i went there i wouldn't hang with you noobs
  5. If he actually ate it 11 months in a row i totally understand why he hates it lol
  6. amagad thenks. it's pwetty just like u
  7. Do you want to bot something that Instantly sells? Do you want to be able to gain magic Experience at the same time? Do you want to be able to make over 350k+ GP an hour? Are you looking for OSBots most featured and popular Orber? Shudsy's Orber is what you're looking for. Features Smart Walking system. Emergeny Teleport incase of PKers or low hp. Ability to use House tabs instead of glories if selected. Ability to use Clan wars to bank and restore HP/Energy. Clean paint which also lets you hide if wanted. Full item support with everything needed. World hops if attacked by PKer. Death walking/Death Teleporting World hopping to avoid PKers. Stamina Potion support. Requirements 66+ Magic is required. 40+ HP is recommended. Information If NOT using Castle wars to bank, have food in bank. If enabled, have Stamina Potions in bank. Have Unpowered orbs and cosmic runes in bank. Have several glories, ring of dueling or House tabs in bank. Click here to buy! Proggies 18 Hour proggy Dynamic Signature
  8. Looking for a Thread layout that can be used for several scripts. Example would be Khaleesi's thread layout. I expect PSD after work is finished to be able to manage the text content myself. PM me if interested and we'll discuss price and details.
  9. Why would we need this? all our scripts have the best antiban there is
  10. 8. If you ever need some tips from a higher ranked scripter, don't hesitate to ask
  11. Remember that you also can remove the legs from the toads and see if those sell.
  12. Thx. Can't really handle the selling part of it, the script is designed to pickup and bank the toads, so aslong as it does that perfectly i'm happy
  13. If you're only here to troll then please gtfo. 37
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