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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. I don't handle the webwalking, that's the client. If you can get me some pictures or (best) a video of it, and i'll forward it to the devs.
  2. Just pushed a small update that should fix this. Will be implemented later today EDIT: Dynamic signature added! you can now view your progress using this link:
  3. Opening bank/logging out after means you're missing items that the script requires. Checking the console when events like that happens usually tells you whats wrong. Read the required items on the main thread and see if you got everything you need. Been working on a dynamic signature and storing the profit in a database. Currently it looks like users are making between 400k-450k/h using the script. Air orbing is at a good place atm
  4. Do you ever read the latest posts before posting your own?
  5. Fix pushed. Should be fixed as soon as OSbot applies it. Paranoid mode updated. Should now instantly teleport as soon as a skulled player that is able to attack you shows up. Using Paranoid mode, you should have an extremely low chance of dying. Overall detection of PKers has been improved aswell, even without using Paranoid mode.
  6. Pushed all fixes. Bot should no longer get stuck at black demons/skeletons. There should also be no more NPE's when attacked by a PKer. World hopping is fixed. Paranoid mode added. If this option is enabled, the bot will instantly teleport and world hop if a skulled player is seen while air orbing. If not selected, the bot will teleport upon reaching low HP.
  7. Found the error causing it to afk near the ladder. Will fix it as soon as possible. Bot doesn't loot your stuff if you do infact die tho. It only takes the required items from the bank
  8. Deathwalk only works for lumbridge spawn. And it will eat if you're not full hp in bank anyway. No need to use expensive food because the bank is the only place it'll eat.
  9. Will look into it! sec
  10. Can you give more info? How much is your total HP? Where does it not work? When walking to ladder? while doing the orbs?
  11. Shudsy

    She said yes

    OSbot bachelor party pls
  12. Reqs are written on the thread.. trial given
  13. Of course it does. Why wouldn't it?
  14. Someone's been lurking around reddit http://rs-legendarts.deviantart.com/art/Zulrah-550590156
  15. Recking low elo with osbot members. Add http://steamcommunity.com/id/Shudsy/ to join
  16. You have to turn off the warning yourself for wilderness. It will only teleport if there is a skulled person attacking you or if you have less than 30% health. If a demon takes 70% of your HP it will teleport to avoid dying.
  17. Someone rewrite it properly using states pls
  18. No sorry. Haven't heard of anyone gotten banned yet tho.
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