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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. Just a sec. Will take a look and fix the problem!
  2. You are also using a Staff of air and equipping a glory? I will take another look once i get home. What status does the paint say during the npe?
  3. Thats a NPE in the food thingy. Are you sure you have 5 or more of the food you provided in the GUI when starting the script? Lobster/trout etc. The null is caused by you not having the food you selected in the GUI. The Walking part should be interrupted if you have less than 50% HP. Did you also try to start the script with low hp? EDIT: Pushed a fix to the NPE error. Logs out if you're out of food instead of giving NPE. Made another check to the webwalker interruption.
  4. Except the error you received didn't have anything to do with the script. When OSbot decides to remove methods overnight without notifying the scripters, shit gets broken and we have no clue about it until someone tells us in the script threads. Everything worked fine until method removals occured overnight a few days ago, which broke shit. It's kind of weird how no one else but you tells me it's an error with the script. I have people buying all the time, and if they bought it and it didn't work, surely they would tell me?
  5. Do you get the same error in the logger? it really shouldn't be happening anymore.. You using latest version of OSbot aswell?
  6. If you're going for an I5, atleast get a 4690 http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54690k and what the fuck is that hard drive? Get a god damn SSD.
  7. Pushed a temp fix, should fix the problem you mentioned and i'll take a look at what originally caused it. EDIT: Should be fixed now. Was a error caused by the latest OSbot version and some removal of methods. Should be up and running within the day.
  8. Noticed this on another script i was writing. Will take a look and push a fix. Seems like the webwalker fucks up somehow.
  9. Shudsy

    Buying voider

    Not looking to spend a fortune on this. Your account would probably cost too much
  10. Shudsy

    Buying voider

    Looking for voider. 85+ Ranged, 42-45 def.
  11. Why dont you just buy all scripts on one account and get VIP on it?
  12. Maybe you forgot to add "break;" in one of your states?
  13. I would rather listen to Entropy
  14. Not paying too much. Any other stats won't increase the price as i only care about HP and magic level. Post below with offers.
  15. Sorry but i don't really understand what you're saying. Could you elaborate a bit more?
  16. Max offer 35m Prefer high Str/range/mage. Untradeables and attack/def doesn't matter.
  17. I offer 20m on acc nr 1
  18. Pushed a update to easier survive encounters with Pkers. The script should instantly recognize if you're getting attacked by another player, resulting in teleport. It used to teleport based on HP % but there shouldn't be any delay now, resulting in quicker escapes.
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