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Everything posted by risky

  1. 75m 07 bid , keep me updated when some1 outbid me
  2. Past accounts (if you know of any): @dewmetime current account : http://osbot.org/forum/user/191120-bigturtleguy/ Reasoning:got banned for attempting to frame rskingp and continues to make accounts to ask me to quest for him. staff can check my pm to verify this gyazo but proof he is the same guy : when he tried to frame rskingp : http://osbot.org/forum/topic/82259-dispute-against-rskingp/
  3. if my predictions are correct its a shitty p2w mobile game
  4. risky


    Go 2 sleep ur drunk
  5. to some extent, usually the pure quest you do give ~2,531 xp and people sometimes stop there or they do all prayer quest, really just depends on the person , i guess burying bones isn't worthless to some people who don't quest but
  6. not only that its the fact they can quest the prayer , if someone just uses bones 1-43 its pretty worthless acc imo
  7. plz my aio chopper stopped working , how 2 fix
  8. looks nice, but shouldn't we get to know who made it ?
  9. thought the same shit and i was like not again plz
  10. have you seen deceiver's neck pictures ?
  11. no account you buy is safe, and currently a majority of the accounts being listed aren't too trustworthy sellers but thats just my 2 cents
  12. I just linked it , if you work those numbers out it's around 220, granted you get 52 prayer
  13. 99% sure they are not allowing you to send funds to prevent fraudulent activity while they inspect your account(s). Pretty dumb you have more then one.
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