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Everything posted by Nerotos

  1. I had a main account almost all 90+, 9 years old I botted and played alot there thing is when accounts are more complete they have a lower ban rate but it's allways present, I got banned after 6 months of botting, you can bot that ammount it's fairly safe if you know what you are doing and use a good script, can't recommend it tho, better hire a service for example from @Fratem
  2. This is so handy, thank you very much!
  3. When I use the sand crab feature the character does not go where I select (west, east etc) it's just stand still, if I start it on a 3 sand crab spot it goes until they drop aggro then the scripts does nothing, if started without anything on inv it goes to the bank and gets stuck there, also it has no potion support
  4. The break time is applied to all tabs open
  5. Start with something easy like woodcutting or fishing, after that you can start looking for specific methods, scripts we have for everything so that's not the issue
  6. oh yes I know just wanted to point the fact that sometimes if a person logs in and drop a trap the script will instantly pick up the traps and hops literally gifting your spot that can be avoided by the feature that I said if you could like wait 10-15 seconds that person will most likely pick up the trap and move on
  7. I recently bought some proxies from @D Bolter and I was wondering if is it safe to create and use the account on a proxy but link that account to a mail used on another IP (Home), I want to link at least 3 accounts this way, diff proxy same mail/ip (using alias system from hotmail)
  8. But let the user chose if he wants to use it or not and for how many seconds before the hop
  9. It happens with every script I use in random patterns but allways very frecuently, on the paint GUI there's allways a hide button for a reason sometimes I just can't press it, the only way for it to work is to reset the script
  10. Left positive feedback, if possible you should add to the hop world option a feature where you can chose a set amount of time after a player appears and set up traps before hopping because sometimes a random just log in drop a trap and the script just hops you oh also if you could chose the trap's location it'll be awesome, sometimes if you start the script after the traps are placed it'll bug out too
  11. Currently I have a few accounts running on the same OSBot Client but I can't find a way in order to make each bot break times different, I'll be glad if someone could help me there
  12. This went south, nice topic btw
  13. I have read and I agree to the ToS Age: 21 I agree to discuss about the deposit My Skype is: live:diaz320_2 I am applying for Quester/Minigames/Powerleveling I do not have experience doing services but I've been playing Runescape for 10 years The only issue I have right now is that I have 30m but I'm gathering, I recently sold what I had.
  14. Awesome! I'll use it when I get banned, cause for the moment the computer + IP is clean
  15. Can you develop a little more on this please
  16. I know but I mean if I create 10 accounts each one with a different proxy into the same hotmail (using alias method) Jagex will not know that something is wrong with the IP's?
  17. What I can do about the emails tho? just create 1 per account? because I saw you can create multiple accounts with one mail but if those accounts are from differents IP's is that a risk (chain-ban)? Also if 1 mail is needed per account wich provider is good?
  18. All hail the crash feature!
  19. I'll do main + 2 accounts on home IP then, rest all private proxies, thanks alot! ohh btw I'll have to play on those account forever on the proxy because if I swap to home IP I can get chain-banned also right?
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