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Everything posted by Nerotos

  1. If I chose to goldfarm like 5 accounts on my home IP, same method and one get banned there is a big risk I'll get chain-banned?
  2. I see thanks for the tip, How many home IP accounts are save to have? I currently have my main and just created another one, ofc all my home IP accounts will be high stat and will have quest points.
  3. Is it dangerous if I create the accounts on my home IP instead of using proxies to create them and then use them on my IP? Worried about some sort of chain-ban By the way the accounts I am creating are high stats account that I intent to keep for a long time so they will have quest points and many skills
  4. Good idea, when I have alot of bots I'll implement the rotations, thanks!
  5. oh yeah I had you on mind, but besides being private they are residential proxies or datacenter? Thanks Awesome, I'll think about what to do next!
  6. After creating the account, do you recommend using the account on the same proxy or do you start using the account on your own IP?
  7. Because I'm planning on botting on at least 5 accounts that will have high stats, so my best bet is a residential proxy or is not needed for so few accounts?
  8. So chain bans are very rare, but you say that data center proxies are more dangerous than using my home IP, mhmm so basically anything above 5 account I'll need a proxy, do you know any good proxy and residential proxy sellers on osbot?
  9. Hello everyone, lately I've been doing some research regarding the use of proxies and I've found some contradictory comments about it, some say there are no chain-bans and that if you use proxies you are more likely to get ban due them not being home flagged, please if someone could give me an in depth guidance it will be much appreciated.
  10. Nerotos


    Will this work if I'm using a different proxy for each account?
  11. From what I've been seeing yep and more than I need
  12. That's weird, maybe it was just an specific bug on my part, when I get more accounts I'll re-test it! Thanks for your time.
  13. I'll be investing more than 500m Not asking for best bots, places and stuff, just generic stuff that might help. Because this is a very nice community and small tips like what I'm asking can be shared oh yeah later on I'll have to get a private account creator
  14. Maybe it's because my account has many good stats/quests, also i found the way to leave positive feedback!
  15. Will do! hahahah yeah with the currency exchanges I can make some good money
  16. Eagle's Peak quest is bugged, when you arrive to the part when you pick up the 10 feathers it gets stuck there, State says: Con, tried many things to debug it, buying the needed stuff, progressing through the quest and others, hope you can fix it soon.
  17. All from same account! can't find where to leave the review on the link you sent me
  18. Successfully sold 348k Sharks or rather 14m Minnows!!
  19. Hello all, lately I become interested on making a gold farm, I've read alot I mean it alot of guides about proper botting, I know how to bot and all but perhaps there are some tips that might help my in this new journey with OSBot, I'll be using proxies of course.
  20. Hello everyone my name is Francisco, I've been around for a while here, just a common botter but I decided to start a gold farm in order to improve my income. So I decided to make a proper introduction and say hi to all the community because I have the intend to bond alot more here, hope we can learn alot from each other from now on!
  21. Looking to test version 9.0!
  22. Fished 10m minnows already, flawless on the anti-ban
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