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Everything posted by Zebrafon

  1. Barrows is high ban rate anyways AFAIK.
  2. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oxM82YIhNsZSc0yvcPqWtZR0pTQcDorVFcs8-tPTt8A/edit?pref=2&pli=1#slide=id.g141eba5f5a_0_16 Got my first kill with this one, first try too.
  3. Exil3nt client. Censoring a legit client...
  4. Extreme AIO Hunter is beyond retarded - inefficient and robot-like. Just go with Pact's.
  5. Zebrafon


    Wat? http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/feb/28/barack-obama-joe-biden-run-jog-white-house-video
  6. I was actually referring to buying games in general. My fault for not clarifying that.
  7. Yarr a pirate cannot relate, unless there is multiplayer.
  8. Why does this channel exist? He's literally a cancer.
  9. And that thread is copied off of another reddit page where it first started.
  10. Zebrafon


    Correct. Wouldn't it be awesome to our future kids to get to experience these animals with their own eyes? Fun fact; gorillas have 98% similar DNA to ours. Trust me I'm all in for human life > any other animal(no doubt a second), but when things stir out and animals go extinct, that's where we should start question our gifted intelligence. We have the power to change the course of an entire planet.
  11. Zebrafon


    Once again, you didn't think outside of the box. A dead gorilla has the same value as a dead human, leaving nothing; What's your point? I was referring to the general idea where some humans do things on smaller scale thinking that it won't affect the current environment/us. I'm not being emotional, I'm trying to explain the reality of things. If humans proceed to be careless we'll later on only doom ourselves and nothing else. You're right, the planet doesn't give a fuck. If we die, we're dead and Earth itself will replenish important branches for a functioning nature. If you want your future kids to live a prosper life, think outside the box and how things work out. The gorilla incident is an example of human recklessness. I'm out.
  12. Zebrafon


    You just proved it once again. You have no idea how the ecosystem and the planet works. Just leave it to the smarter people while you can enjoy your regular day life. Thank you.
  13. Zebrafon


    Thank you for clarifying how extremely gullible and simple minded you are. Human mentality like yours have ruined the planet. Thank god there are good people who protect animals and insects.
  14. Zebrafon


    Dumb genes implies that your own species genes is exceeding at idiocry. Species go extinct, true, but never in such a fast space. These animals are important. You'll realize it when it's too late.
  15. Zebrafon


    And killing an endangered animal shouldn't be taken lightly either.
  16. Zebrafon


    To be honest with you the parent is even more dumber than the gorilla. The gorilla had at least the decency not to smash another species alien, like the baby, instantly.
  17. Zebrafon


    Reason people are whining is because that gorilla in question is extremely endangered. There are only few hundred left in the planet. Gorilla > dumb genes.
  18. Zebrafon


    First of all I would have better supervision over my kid, so no that wouldn't happen. I value an endangered animal more than a dirty gene pool that is careless. If you're a bad parent, your kid will grow to be careless too. Besides the gorilla was scared shitless, dude. Everyone screamed at him, made the poor guy stressed. Edit: besides I'd let the kid die because we're 7 billion humans and growing in this planet. And no don't tell me to go kill myself because I don't care about anyone. I live by myself being depressed.
  19. Ehm no. It all depends how you get caught, be it by the system or manual check by Weath.
  20. And? They're celebrating a legend, not highlight their mistake.
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