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Everything posted by Zebrafon

  1. Yes they can and it is. Stop being paranoid.
  2. I presume hijack method.
  3. I don't know man but the devs have said that they're upgrading their bot system in summer, that might be some of it.
  4. Aren't you the guy that almost botted 99 ranged in 2 weeks? Edit: or was it hunter?
  5. Not it really didn't affect the game negatively, it only made the game super easy... Na dude, totally fine skill...
  6. That's not true. Bots only account 10% of the player base and most of them aren't members.
  7. In short; automation improvements. You might be spot on.
  8. Dude stop raping your girlfriend I'll call the police. MOM!!
  9. In one of their previous streams on Twitch, I don't remember which one it was, but Mod Ash mentioned that they're prioritizing to upgrade and better their bot detection system during summer. Any speculations of what they might improve. Less manual bans and more automated ones? Detect mirror clients?
  10. Delayed ban........... Jagex doesn't have to operate to get yourself flagged and banned. There's a reason why they have an automated system in place. So stop it with the myth that you lower ban rates while botting during Jagex closed times.
  11. Thank you, pal. I usually never tell people about my depression but it's hard living by it. You can usually see me express it by little to take out my anger here. That's why some of my posts might seem rude.
  12. I'll let you know when you added me as a friend, it gave me a boost, since I deal with some kind of depression atm in my life.
  13. So is Linux. iOS is pretty much a newbie friendly Linux.
  14. Less quashed bans on botted accounts. Botters quash bans on their accounts by faking a hijack story.
  15. "I quash my accounts" Nice method, bro. Jagex caught up with the bullshit stories. http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/forums.ws?14,15,883,65795829
  16. Camera angles and photoshop. In reality they're not as fancy.
  17. Rock, Rocknroll, mostly 70s, 80s and 90s.
  18. Assumptions, speculations, theories. Why call someone idiot if you don't have the correct answer. We don't know how flexible Jagex work schedules are and when they go rampage on bots. I always bot during Jagex's hours...
  19. Pls stop don't try to school me.
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