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Everything posted by Zebrafon

  1. Depends on how you see it. Humans are naturally hunters by instinct, so can't do anything about that passive-aggressive behavior of mine
  2. What kind of fucked up assumption is that?
  3. H1Z1? You realize Arma did BR first and then other games copied it, right?
  4. Karamja store method. 12,6m gp/h. Requires Karamja hard diary task.
  5. Yes they are. This just shows that he's starting to operate his banhammer machine.
  6. Yea he has been collecting accounts. That's why the bans have been quiet the past weeks.
  7. https://twitter.com/JagexWeath/status/733667559522861057 Be very wary guys when botting and selling/buying gold. It would appear that Mod Weath is beginning to go hard on illegal stuff in-game, that tweet is only the start phase. Just a fair warning.
  8. go back tu school you're grammer is the worsest. top kek meme though bruv
  9. Is this really what you guys call goldfarming/botfarm? Really? And then you come in here and complain that your botfarm of 20+ accounts are getting instantly banned.... Even without the obvious names/clothes it's so easy to detect a bot.
  10. Hey chill with your period moments, boy.
  11. This guy needs therapy. He doesn't even know his own game's tos.
  12. Let's get 90+ ranged in 2 weeks time because that's legit bruh...
  13. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/ shit's going down there, mate.
  14. This guy's seriously making up shit now.
  15. Found this on Ice_Poseidon's subreddit.
  16. Mirror won't work if the script you're using is shit...
  17. Did you read what I extensively expressed? Do you think it's appropriate to share your past? Keep the description simple and move on. You're a kid, you need to learn. I'm not hating, there's a difference between criticism and hating. Having a goldfarm nowadays is tough. Good luck once again.
  18. Typical 17 year old bragging about getting a fine. We get it, you're cool. If something happened in your private life do not share it with internet or anybody else. It's your business and not ours. That was sufficient enough not to take you serious. Good luck anyways.
  19. Weath was gone for over a week and now he's back. No wonder. RIP gains until his next vacation starts.
  20. You have the wiki and google at your disposal. Now do the math yourself.
  21. He will make a legal case out of this? OUT OF HIS fucking wrongdoings which caused the ban? Wow what a fucking twat this guy is.
  22. pls im so sory bruv i dident men
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