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Everything posted by Zebrafon

  1. Aka Jagex in other words.
  2. It was Jagex that requested for a shutdown btw. So his Runescape career is over. I'm glad he's banned.
  3. You honestly think 1-94 range in a week is legit? Expect a ban and don't be surprised because of your foolish run times.
  4. Jagex's bot system might work in a way when someone reports you they can track the report, and then run their bot detection system for a pattern scan. If their system deems your account to have used a script that might get you banned.
  5. And no I wouldn't bot WC, even for 10 minutes. Some skills no matter what will get you banned as soon as their system detects same mouse patterns.
  6. Breaks have nothing to do with bans. It's the activities you do. A legit player would surely play for hours, but not the same skill or activity for long.
  7. The best anti-ban is not to fucking bot a single skill only for 2 weeks. Especially one that is click intensive...
  8. You botted same skill for 2 weeks, of course you'll get banned. That's simply not legit, especially a skill that is click intensive.
  9. Okay this is annoying. Why is it changing world when there's a white dot/player passing by? This is happening on black salamanders. It's very inefficient on black sallys.
  10. Did you read the feedback I sent you in PM?
  11. Guys how are the ban rates without mirror mode? Is it even recommended to use mirror mode for hunter scripts? Edit: Pat did you run your hunter bots without mirror? Also I'd love a 24 hour trial
  12. Not completely... What's so hard to understand? It gives "slight" immunity against fire, you can still get hit heavily.
  13. They're not. I forgot to emphasize that you only need to start the quest.(I think. Nothing settled yet)
  14. It will happen, mate... The community will do anything to help stop bots.
  15. It might become a reality. Partial completion of Dragon Slayer quest will be required to use anti-dragon shield if the real poll succeed. http://strawpoll.me/7370765/r This will slightly stop dragon bots and heavily increase the price of dragon bones and their hides.
  16. Go back to babysitting your bots.
  17. What in the seven hell is happening with chinchompas' price? They're increasing like a rocket. http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Red_chinchompa/viewitem?obj=10034 (That's like 700-900k gp/hr with 90+ hunter) http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Black_chinchompa/viewitem?obj=11959 (1-1.3m gp/hr 90+ hunter) Jagex must really be tough on chinchompa bots. Would even a private script help not getting banned from chins?
  18. Now you are really asking for a suspension.
  19. The neutral feedback tells me otherwise. You're simply impulsive and stubborn.
  20. Good for you. No need to call someone idiot because of your illiterate explanation.
  21. The negative feedback seems to be true, I see...
  22. No difference in ban rates, at least that's what I have noticed... It's just an illusion.
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