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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. Gilgad

    Well, Fuck

    I should have used a condom
  2. Gilgad


    Which fucking account, i've locked every fucking thread omg.
  3. Gilgad


    Well, monitoring 50 fishers per day has a shit load more work involved in it and is not worth the $45 per day.. i mean.. you can get that in like 3 or 4 hours of standard work.
  4. @mods, i do know for a fact that the account mackadizzle sold to this guy was not originally owned by mackadizzle, he was selling it on behalf of another osbot member, i have skype logs if you are interested.
  5. The tutorials literally tell you how to do everything from scrap.
  6. Still, i'd like to clarify the rules etc because that was sketchy: It was stated that I would refund the user because I sold the account to him. On that point, why would I need to do this when I didn't commit the crime. Wouldn't the user in question of the crime be responsible of refunding/giving the account back? This really needs to be clarified as I had a look and didn't see anything anywhere and my heart really did jump when divinity said I was responsible when I did nothing wrong. This should be put somewhere in the rules section because if it's the case, i'm never buying then reselling an account again It would benefit the security of other members as well.
  7. Well, just had a chat with mackadizzle, turns out there was a previous owner before himself that he never mentioned. If i knew this I would have never bought the account. Anyways, he's told me that he'll be responsible for refunds etc and told me he posted. Good lad, as i said I 100% trust the guy, just did some silly mistakes we all make. Hopefully he learns and improves his ability of communication further. "One can only learn from mistakes."
  8. Okay, i guess some things have changed. Since when am I responsible for a refund when it was someone else that did the crime. I see this written no where. How am I trade with caution when i did nothing wrong? Anyway.. My thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/60017-selling-awesome-obby-mauler-55-slayer-full-zammy-book-fire-cape-mith-gloves-no-bans-more/ Mackadizzles thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58331-selling-61combat-obby-mauler-91str-firecape-berserker-ring-i-maxes-46s/ Mackadizzle says that he is the original owner: I got a message from f2p saying that he/she chatted to mackadizzle, and this is what mackadizzle claimed that he is not the original owner: He clearly says that he is not the original owner, thus lying and trying to hide the fact that he recovered. Skypes: Yes, this is the skype i bought the account off of. Yes it is him. Again, don't understand what I have done wrong to deserve TWC, but okay.
  9. Gilgad


    Have rims in the first place
  10. Then you got a few things that could be the issue: 1) Jagex caught onto the RWT and you got RIP'd. 2) The bloke who previously owned the account got busted for RWT and your account got RIP'd. 3) The bloke who previously owned the account actually botted on it and you got RIP'd. 4) Jagex just hates you and wanted to RIP ya.
  11. .. he obviously told him, thats not the point though. He clearly was either a previous major offender that never changed his IP and decided to bot then got RIP'd or his other accs got RIP'd, which RIP'd this acc. He was dumb and got RIP'd.
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