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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. Cannon @ Rock crabs to 33, use a main with super energy pots or pay someone to do it. Use range pot @ 33 and enter range guild. Bot to 60. Done.
  2. Mine just did it when i turned off my modem and maldesto had to re add me to the admin hax page or whatever it was like every day :P
  3. He never said 2 accs and never said he never had previous accs
  4. ... ok Home IP = he used same IP Proxy + ban that fast = that IP is already flagged, meaning its the same IP being used by another party. Conclusion: Same IP.
  5. She's a house wife that strives in her excellence of cleaning and having things neat. Cut her some slack!
  6. but dix is op, plz moar dix #### failstreet2k15
  7. lul cuz dutch = most used language in world lul muchfail
  8. 2011. Good graphics, full screen, no asian eye squinting shit, summoning, dclaws, corrupts, vestas, more variety in shit, GE none of this buying a quest item for 4 hours shit or trying to get stuff for desert treasure for 8 hours, this would also accommodate those with no dedicated servers (Australians) etc. You wonder why the game was pretty much in its peak at pre eoc as it was with 07. Pre EOC was best.
  9. Or Australian worlds! Lul Jk There are none. Ever. In any game. Lul #Cut4Gil #cut4auz
  10. Well... 1) You're using a fisher that... like... 16000 people use and have the same code with the same interaction times etc. 2) You've probably been banned the day before and have had your IP flagged numerous times 3) You probably weren't using a proxy if you were IP flagged 4) You botted in catherby. Catherby of all places. Thats like trying to yell "I'M BOTTING!" In the dev palace. It's no surprise you got banned in an hour lol.
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