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Everything posted by cutvision

  1. Nice man!! Goodluck on these One suggestion though, not sure if others had said but... change the clothes/hairstyle on the bob username so it looks less... botty xD
  2. Request for sig buy: Skype Name: Gap542 Payment Option Requested: OSRS GP Or Bitcoin (Would depend)
  3. Nice man! You goal here is 99 ranged?
  4. I'm pretty sure you can get rcing 200m exp before you get 99 def xD What's your xp/hr so far?
  5. Well man, good luck at suicide botting. If you do manage to get the goal how much do you plan on selling? BTW whats the ranged level?
  6. You did ranged to get slayer 55? Slayer staff is best for obby pures?
  7. haha funny but true! There's a shit ton pkers around there
  8. Well, if you're a member you can do Berserker Neck (Obby neck) for the -10 and Iron boots for -3 With just obby neck you wont need 40 ranged.
  9. Yup, it shows as dragon claws in inventory and when you "Wear" them it just shows an emote and they stay in the inventory. Yep I don't remember well but.. Talk mo > Get package from cart> Go Karjam (glory) go west give it to man > Search cart again > Give it to .. (I don't remember) >Search cart > Go to the red dragon isles and give it to william > Talk to mo > Dclaws
  10. They're just an item that shows an emote you know.
  11. Oh god.. they almost had be by that one! They sure are better than jagex on april fools haha
  12. I saw a level 32 bob with bronze sword and wooden shield killing seagulls.. Would there be a bot to kill them? xD
  13. I hate pulp. Why because it tastes gross and dirty.
  14. I'm not even going to bother with it seen it's an april fools joke (Inb4 it's a legit quest with legit claws and the joke is on the people that thought it was a joke and didn't do it)
  15. WAAAAIIIT a second You're PAYING for FREE scripts?
  16. Damn! You beat me on getting VIP xD Anyways, if you can't change it by taking out its power call your internet provider or use a VPN
  17. Damn.. You seriously caught me. I thought you were resigning Anyways, It's still March here, just 7pm
  18. Nonono don't do it! Then they'll catch up to us! D: How many hours a day? Damn... now I'm inspired in getting VIP just for the magical client. Is there a chance people get banned on mirror client? (Playing humanly not 4 days in a row no breaks)
  19. Hey! Welcome to the community and have fun botting! ^-^
  20. Fresh account?? Just straight to fletching?
  21. No matter what precautions you take there is always a risk. Try to keep it real, not 14hrs a day on rock crabs no break. But yeah, from what I've seen ban rate is high.
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