Legit trained. Wouldn't bot on this 9yr old main account xD
I pretty much have this account, 80 QP, mith gloves.. all pure quests, etc.. (Except DT and MM)
The thing is, I don't really PK or Box, why? Because I'm a bad loser.. Today I went on to fight and pretty much lost 500k. (2 fights with 200k cash plus gear n shit) and got me thinking why am I even a pure if I can't really PK or duel without getting furious each time I lose. Also hate the fact that I can't PVM and slayer is being a dick to me
I also got 3 more accounts all pure prospect as well. (No quests, no skills and little to no CB stats
Should I really go Main(Level the fuck out of attack,def,prayer without any consideration with combat lv)?