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Everything posted by cutvision

  1. Legit trained. Wouldn't bot on this 9yr old main account xD I pretty much have this account, 80 QP, mith gloves.. all pure quests, etc.. (Except DT and MM) The thing is, I don't really PK or Box, why? Because I'm a bad loser.. Today I went on to fight and pretty much lost 500k. (2 fights with 200k cash plus gear n shit) and got me thinking why am I even a pure if I can't really PK or duel without getting furious each time I lose. Also hate the fact that I can't PVM and slayer is being a dick to me I also got 3 more accounts all pure prospect as well. (No quests, no skills and little to no CB stats Should I really go Main(Level the fuck out of attack,def,prayer without any consideration with combat lv)?
  2. It's prob worth like nothing but how much is like 250k from rs3 to 07? xD I don't really use rs3 so no use for it.
  3. I came here because of your other thread and well... I can say that I'm very interested in learning more about this, maybe even be part of it if given the opportunity.
  4. The account is a 10 year veteran! 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at 1m 07 GP 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account No 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 Gp only 8. Your trading conditions MM Required Unless you are trusted 9. Account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address The Original owner of the account is Thatonebot and will change email address to the new owner.
  5. Damn.. 4k bots a day seems a lot! Do you think he's bluffing?
  6. Pixel Pirates is shorter and nicer. Also, what would the purpose of the clan be? ALSO.. DAMN 3k in 1 month.
  7. Try doing some small combat stats then get a few skills (like quest requirements) and easy quests n shit
  8. Woah this is awesome! I didn't knew about this.. So I could make a.. Goblin killer that farms goblin mail script? Any idea of when this will be released?
  9. What in the world.. Weird as fuck.. You could make it like.. The banana wasn't a banana and it was actually a mature plantain!
  10. Damn.. I think Jagex is onto the mirror client.. GF botting D:
  11. Well, you could fletch your own bows and alch them... That way it's profit! The faster way I think Yew longs are about 50gp loss right now if bought
  12. well, its probably going to be monitored Try to not suicide bot. Just small time, like humans with a life. Also get mirror and premium scripts, that should help.
  13. Woah haha accurate xD The guy that got warmog armor and the other asked he wanted to trim XD
  14. zerker pures are good to p2p and f2p pking. Wont get ko as much as pure. higher loots you can pvm more than a pure and do slayer better def 42 = void def 45 = zerker
  15. Hmm I'm pretty sure it was a good deal for 8k. Congrats bud!
  16. Wtf at 1:50 This guy is crazy
  17. It's something like that. When jagex is looking for bots to kill they would go through the priorities. Which in this case I guess it would be IP's who have already been caught botting to stop the gold farm. Usually F2P accounts in common goldfarming places get banned super fast. From my experience I've trained an account combat stats for 7 hours and when it comes to mining clay insta ban
  18. 55 Slayer 99 Hunt 99 Str = Slayer Staff Hunter Cape Obby Maul = One Cool Account
  19. Guys! I need your help!! A clan member has been doing trivia all night and the last one was a "joke" he created. He's going to pay 1mil to the one that guesses it. The thing is... I have no idea!! It goes like this: What do you call a duck that is good with women?
  20. How much for DT and MM done on pure 31 prayer?
  21. LOL it's been 2 years and this is still going on.. 2252
  22. How much would you offer for 70/70/70 and 43 prayer (1 rng 1 magic)
  23. How much are you buying the accounts for?
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