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Everything posted by cutvision

  1. As for slayer Masters you should be able to do Canifis easily. My pure has lower level stats and 31 prayer, certain(like many) tasks fron Vannaka (lv50cb guy) Are higher leveled monsters which can rape you without prayer.. Like Vampires or Earth Warriors if you don't safe spot and vampires tend to be tricky for that.(and Earth Warrior is in Wild Lv8ish) I personally use Mezchana, the Canifis guy, for that reason. Get more exp p/hr plus less pain about food trips and shit. BUT you should try both, you're account is MUCH better than mine that way you can decide.
  2. Grats man! At your current levels, I'd get 43 prayer. As for everything else: I suggest getting 55 slayer for Leaf Blade as well as other broad items. The lead blade is literally a lv50 dragon scimitar BUT better! It has the same bonus in Slash and Stab and they're both STR! Thus making it more versatile in combat situations as well as pvm.
  3. "and now, I've converted your money into security books... Read it, it tells you about security." I think you can make like 600 gp p/hr legit method
  4. That should be the problem then, I think I wrote it with ":" Also what about this whole user and pass? I left it blank as I got no clue
  5. So I'm finally going to start botting but there's a problem with proxy! The thing is, I can't buy premium, proxies or even mirror client.. I'm trying to use free proxies provided from somewhere, these aren't from a bot community, more a blackhat place and these are new. Basically I got this as example: the Host is "" and the port would be ":1234" (Right?) What about the username and password?
  6. I didn't even look at the wealth? I bid 1m on the account, not wealth. So It'd be 1.9m bid
  7. Can you table trade? Like place item in a table and other takes it
  8. Pretty much it's a perma ban. I think they tend to keep an eye on those who have already been warned (temp ban)
  9. What if there could be something that could be able to click at a random interval but as well move slightly a few pixels while still staying inside the radius of being able to alch?
  10. It has 196 Quest Point.
  11. I was expecting a picture.. still quite can't get it well. Mind drawing a paint?
  12. Dude you keep releasing good scripts! They're way too cheap though. You could be selling it for more! Also wouldn't this make prices fail? Other scripts having to sell them for low to compete and the increase amount of botting
  13. Uhh you only need like 10 posts though lol. I remember using it even from like half his post count. Implying he wants to advertise account selling/buying....
  14. Maywhether has swifter moves n shit but I think Pacquiao will KO him. If it gets over 9 rounds and it's a call then maywether will win.
  15. This is lower than the starting bid but you can dismiss the bid if you don't accept it. I'll bid 5m
  16. If this is still going on.. 15m. We'd use a MM though.
  17. As for where to alch... I believe that in W2 besodes a bankbooth in GE would be safest. Since the Report rates would be low. There's like 200 people in GE spamming There's a ton of people standing in the same bankbooth tile... so they don't really know Who's doing what or for how long so they can't ask what you alching and if they can't see gear and stuff it could hellp avoid questions like prices Just my opinion, I could be wrong. Well any form of macroin has a chance to be banned so you technically aren't 100% safe. Mirror client and a script would be better than Gary's Hood since what human High Alchs at exactly 2.00000 seconds? At elast with the script the number could be randomized and be seemed less machine cause the exact timing and stuff. ~ Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
  18. I wouldn't bot main, if you're considering doing that. Since they already banned one account on the same IP you played both.
  19. Ahh I see. Thanks! I don't have in mind selling it. Unless someone offers a lot of money haha
  20. Has all Pure quests except MM, DT and Grand tree (Yes.. I forgot about doing it when I was questing and can't do it if want to stay Gmaul pure.) EDIT: It's 9 years old! One more year till 10yr veteran Someone said this was a valuable account. I don't really think It's worth much but I want to know how much could it be sold for! Thanks!
  21. Ehh.. I don't think this account would be valuable, I mean I doubt it could be sold for 50m+ Besides I don't think I would unless It's an offer I wouldn't be able to say no to since this has sentimental value. ~ I don't HATE pking but I'm not that good at it and I hate dying Anyways, thanks for the input
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