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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. I use a VPN to ensure I have a different IP address for every account that I've created. Plus with these tests the bots aren't taking any breaks whatsoever.
  2. Use a middle man and good luck.
  3. I've noticed that most of my accounts have gotten bans through out the day, but never at night. So here I am trying out a method where I suicide botted two different accounts over the course of a 4 day time period. Both trained the same skill for 48 hours, both respective to each time frame. Both accounts made it through the stress period but the day bot got banned within a couple of days after this test, while the night bot is still going strong. Now I'm going to attempt to do the same thing with woodcutting and other skills to see which are the optimal time periods to bot and to see if it has any noticeable difference in ban rates.
  4. Don't bother botting at fishing guild, ban rates are high there.
  5. Could we have the forum set to private only when people who don't have an account want to access the forums?
  6. -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐 Don't mind me just taking my mods for a walk
  7. The highest I've tried is 40 going on at one time. Could still use my computer for basic needs like internet browsing or typing essays in Word, but no gaming. i7 2600k OC'd.
  8. My point is that he's definitely making 20x the amount all the scripters combined together, which is not too bad for a kid at his age.
  9. You really don't like this kid don'tcha OP. At least the kid is making bank out of a career that I'm assuming he enjoys. Give him a couple of years with a dash of puberty and he'll be collecting all the dropped panties from the floor.
  10. I believe the government was responsible for 9/11 as an excuse for Bush to invade the middle east for more gas and resources. I'm not even going to bother listing the sources, do some research for yourself and just type it in google. There's just so much widespread information available. I still get shit heads to this day trying to harass me for my ethnic background, but they usually end up cold on the ground if they try to press the issue any further then it needs to be.
  11. Ban rates are bullshit. It's just scare tactics they're trying to use to deter players. Just bot smartly and utilize randomized breaks. Also try not to bot every day on the same account.
  12. S E L L O U T Just kidding. From a fellow goldfarmer, may profits be high and ban rates be low. Good luck with eBook sales.
  13. Why the fuck am I even doing this. Pictures are really big. If your toaster can't handle my greatness, don't click the spoiler.
  14. Sounds lame as fuck but who are we to judge on what you enjoy?


    Quests done: Tree Gnome Village, Grand Tree, Fight Arena.
  16. That's a word from Farsi haha. And the ass in the video was non-existent, so disappointed.
  17. I've been banned multiple times before this, just gotta switch up what you do, change your IP adresss, and continue using a VPN and we all good.
  18. Yeah I've never gotten banned from PC besides this once incident. You just gotta take a lot of breaks and you'll be safe.
  19. Was suicide botting PC and Ankou's to see how long it would take for this account that I've been botting relatively safe with to get banned. Went for 100 hours straight and the dumb dipshits finally caught on. Lol dumb fagex doesn't even know I got 10 other accounts to back up this one if it goes down.
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