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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. Just curious but why are a lot of people so against sailing?
  2. Take down all video's, get rid of/replace all information of you online, AND LAWYER UP.
  3. I already use a proxy and have made orders off of the deep web but nothing has happened to me.... yet. Might look into it when I get back from work.
  4. So is this something I actually have to be concerned about or is my data safe for the time being?
  5. Don't bot on the account ever again. Play it safe.
  6. Congrats! Your virtual E-Peen is now 1 level higher.
  7. The store has been disabled. Crashed on me midway.
  8. Jeeze people have no respect for trading. Fuck these scammers.
  9. Sell it 100%. Can make a great profit off of it.
  10. If your rig is strong enough to run more multiple tabs then yes.
  11. Why is there no option for me being superior to all oldfags and newfags?
  12. Welcome back and enjoy the stay.
  13. GG mate. It happens to us all, just gotta move past it.
  14. Best of wishes from a fellow gold farmer, I believe in you.
  15. Wouldn't this make it really obvious your botting when your hitting the same hotkeys perfectly for hours on end?
  16. Enjoy the vacation! Try not to get kidnapped by the cartel.
  17. I'd probably stick to doing lobsters/swordfish until your fishing is a bit higher.
  18. As my favorite motivational speaker once told me, "JUST DO IT!"
  19. Bot a couple of accounts at a time, no proxy just be smart on how many hours you bot, how many days you bot for, and changing up the location where you farm ever so often. It's pretty obvious if your botting the same area for a week, even if you aren't using the full 7 days.
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