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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. You should pay the extra $ for a good MoBo + PSU. Everything else is personal preference. Me personally I'd probably go with 16GB of ram.
  2. 0/10 why we rebumping topics from august
  3. Post count is overrated anyways. Quality > quantity.
  4. Don't really know which one is the best but I've been using AVG for a long time now and it hasn't failed me since.
  5. I don't like hiding behind a phone, I like to talk to people and enjoy real human interaction instead of behind a screen.
  6. What's it like to be in love? When do you know someone genuinely likes you for the person you are and not your looks / money / etc? Never been in a relationship before and I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to these types of things. I know this ain't a dating website but I'm just curious from you more experienced lads out there. Serious answers please!
  7. No bans yet. Just bot during the night and avoid the usual hours they are online.
  8. Still treats his fans like shit though.
  9. This fucking post lmao
  10. So around mid summer of 2016 I'm saving up the side cash from odd jobs and a bit from my gold farm so I can travel around Europe for a solid 3 weeks. Any places to recommend?
  11. Only you can give yourself that goal and determination to achieve what you want. For me personally I just want to be the strongest as I possibly can, improving myself in any way/shape/form. That alone gives me the drive to make a change for myself. Starting is always the hardest part when it comes to doing anything, but once you maintain a good schedule you'll notice you have a lot more energy, you'll feel a lot healthier, and the results will show if you work hard at it. Personally for me I really enjoy it because the gym gives me a place of downtime and solitude where I can focus on exhausting out my entire body and think shit out that happens in a day to day life.
  12. This video is entertaining on LSD edit @6:25am: someone wrote this in the youtube comments. i love it. "One meaning of it is that apparently you are the boy in the video and the chick is, well, the internet. The boy is supposed to represent someone who is addicted to the internet, which holds a lot of entertainment, music, and pornography. The chick is the internet holding all that content, and she is also a sort of "drug". The internet is addictive, which is why at one point in the video he seems to want to turn away for good, only to be pulled back in. The internet damages our health, chipping away at our days as we waste them online. That's why the boy was being eaten away at by the girls."
  13. I don't play CSGO but I know a lot of people who play high elo ranked in League of Legends who tell me they've quit because of "how retarded this patch is." Was amusing lol. What is so bad about it for a non player to understand?
  14. Start working out. Best decision I've made in my life.
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