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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. Press start menu and open up your personal folder. Delete the .dat files and consider using a proxy.
  2. Just don't want OP ruining the relationship with his brother after I fucked up mine. Hate to see the same mistakes I did reappear in a different person's life.
  3. You have a record on this account now. If you wish to keep it forever without any risk, stop botting 100% on your main account before you make the same mistake others have sadly made such as me and gotten their main perm banned. If your still feeling ballsy about it, take a break from botting on the account for two months at least while still playing legit on it. Then slowly return with the botting on your main. With each big pull you get, you should be giving half or less to your bank account as a "fail safe," just in case if anything goes wrong on your main. Also when your trading funds between accounts, don't do it by actual trading. Log in both accounts and have them stake it so it doesn't look as suspicious. Best of wishes to you OP.
  4. From your little brother's point of view and the context of your post, it leads me to believe he just wanted to help his big bro out somehow haha. It's a sweet gesture in thought but thoroughly explain to him what he did was wrong and should have consulted with you first, before making any sort of changes to your computer. Of course don't punish him for it or make it sound condescending, just be disappointed in him so he recovers and learns from this mistake. Hopefully it ain't bricked (yet) and you can recover back any lost documents that you needed.
  5. Gotta boost that internet E-PEEN somehow, right? IMO quality > quantity of posts.
  6. Amazing how much attention this post has gotten haha.
  7. Not interested in VIP but good luck to those who are trying to win.
  8. If this is the Norweigan cruise line you won't regret it, went on this cruise this summer of July and holy shit it was the best time I've ever had.
  9. Just wondering, what determines the pricing of an account?
  10. Just posted my old main that got perm'd a while back, hopefully it gets unbanned. x_x
  11. Khan Academy is pretty good for helping out for these particular sorts of things.
  12. Just gotta be smart with how often you bot and gotta change up where you farm. If jagex sees you farming the same spot every day for the following week with the same mouse movements, something's gonna be up.
  13. "It used to be the UID, a random value they use to track your computer (so they can see which accounts you are associated with etc). They ban based on UIDs, not your IP address, afaik. Now it's 24 bytes idk exactly, but it probably serves a similar purpose." Straight from google.
  14. Eh it happens to us all man. My main of 8 years was perm banned like around a year or two ago. Just start afresh and take counter measures like using a proxy/vpn and deleting the random.dat file on your computer. Best of luck dude.
  15. Hopefully nothing bad comes from these attacks, keep the good work up.
  16. Hm don't really need anyone to cooperate with atm but I will keep a close watch on the thread. Best of luck.
  17. What course of action do I take if I met somebody that met the criteria for all of the above?
  18. Damn straight shameless self promotion.
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