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  1. β™”CzarScripts #1 Bots β™” Proven the #1 selling, most users, most replies Script Series on the market. Big THANK YOU to all our wonderful users and supporters over the 8 years, we couldn't have done it without you. Czar Bots have always been the Best and the most Feature-rich bots available with the most total sales in OSBot history. Come and find out why everyone is choosing Czar Bots today. β™” LATEST BOTS β™” If you want a trial - just post the script name and it will be activated after I hit 'like' on your post Requirements: hit 'like' on this thread
    2 points
  2. Honestly breaks make a huge difference, try bot like 1 hour per session at a time and see how it goes first before trying other stuff. It's a bit dangerous to just bot indefinitely like in the good ole days
    2 points
  3. Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Features: - Recently added: Strength pumping - Supports every Bar available - Potion support (Optional) - Restocking coffer (Optional) - Coal bag support - Use a bucket too cool bars (If no ice gloves available) - Ice/gold gaunlets swap when making gold bars for the extra Experience - A clean and easy interface to start and track the script. - Custom webwalking using A* pathfinding algorithm - Randomized pathing system, humanlike paths, no repetitive clicking. - Script will never idle, start script and let it run forever! Antiban / Anti-pattern: - Randomized clicking positions - Random actions to break the pattern - Pathing is andom and close to human behaviour - Random/dynamic sleep times for humanlike interactions How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 630:SAVEFILE.BREAKFILE SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form: -script 630:SteelCoalBag.4515breaks Frequently asked questions (FAQ): Q: Where can we find this script? A: This can be found at the store here Q: How and where do I start this script? A: Simply start the script at Blastfurnace Q: Why does the script pays the Foreman A: If your smithing level is below 60, you have to pay 2500gp every 10min Will also pay the foreman after every restart Proggies: Blast Furnace Guide:
    1 point
  4. Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Supports mining every location in motherlode (Also top level) - Pick areas to mine in or use specific veins to mine - Included leveling you from 1-30 before going to motherlode - Pickaxe upgrading - Pickaxe special attack - Can use diary and agility shortcuts - Avoid other players option - Possible to enable the upgraded sack extension - Depositbox instead of bank option - Humanlike idles and interactions - Option to buy coal bag at 100 golden nuggets and stop script - CLI support for goldfarmers Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 612::ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot managers you do not need to specify -script 612): -script 612:TaskList1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 612:TaskList1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 612:TaskList1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord) Proggies:
    1 point
  5. Buy here: Features: This script allows you to train early range levels as fast and efficient as possible or to create very strong low hp pures due to the cannon not giving hitpoints expierence! The script will setup your cannon at the desired location, refill when empty and repair it when it is broken. Once you run out of cannonballs it will pick up the cannon and end the script. You can choose from several popular preset locations (check below for a list) or set your own location via the GUI. You can save your custom locations and simply load them when starting the script again. You can choose a custom refill threshold to appear more humanlike (by default the script will refill the cannon when empty). This refers to how many cannonballs should be in the cannon to trigger the script to refill. The script will pick a random number between the boundaries you set and if your cannon has less cannonballs remaining than this number the script will refill your cannon. Script automatically upgrades ranged gear if you have them in your inventory: studded gear + coif -> snakeskin + boots and bandana -> green/blue/red/black d hides High alchemy support! NOTE: Alching makes the script interact with the game a lot more often than just refilling the cannon and waiting. So make sure you adjust your botting/breaking ratio to account for this change in activity to ensure minimal bans. Requirements: Dwarfcannon set + Cannonballs in inventory. Dwarfcannon quest completed. Start script at cannon location. 55 Magic and runes to Alch. Items that you want to alch should be put on the inventoryslot that lines up with the location of the high alch spell. How Cannoning works and why you dont need ranging pots: The Dwarf multicannon always has a maxhit of 30, regardless of your stats, equipment or boosts. This is why cannoning is so good to train early range levels. The accuracy of your cannon is based on the accuracy of your selected attackstyle (staves count as meele weapons and being unarmed counts as using a crush weapon). This means to maximize your accuracy it might be better to wear a 2H sword instead of wearing a ranged weapon, if your range level is not high enough to wear the higher level crossbows. This means that your range level/accuracy or any range boosts have zero impact on your cannons accuracy if you dont wear a ranged weapon. As mentioned your maxhit is always capped at 30 regardless of your stats, and since your succesful hits will always roll a random number between 0 and your max hit (in this case 30) using boosts only changes the accuracy of your cannon. The accuracy of your attacks is based on your attackroll (based on your equipment, stats and boosts) against the targets defense roll (which is going to be low for the monsters you cannon). Your accuracy starts off high and as a result increasing your accuracy gives you dminishing returns. Your average hit is calculated as: (Maxhit * accuracy) / 2. In practice this means using a ranging potion at 61 range with a rcb + pure setup your accuracy & exp/h will be increased by less than 1.7%. At 80 range with a light ballista and a pure setup your accuracy & exp/h will be increased by less than 1% when using a ranging potion. TLDR: Max hit of cannon is always the same, accuracy starts off high and has diminishing returns = pots are not worth it. More information can be found here: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Combat#Damage_calculating How to start this script using your own custom locations (step by step and Video guide in the spoiler): List of preset locations: Ogres east of Castle wars Ogres at the Combat Training Camp north of Ardougne Hill giants at the Shayzien graveyard on Zeah If you have any locations you would want to see added to this list just let me know! Trials: Like this post and comment to get a Trial! Trials only for VIP/Sponsor users Contact/Bug reports: If you have any specific questions or would like to report a bug please send me a detailed message on this forum. For bug reports please include details on how to reproduce the bug if possible. Pictures (post your own and I will add them here!): updates: - v1.1: added custom refill threshold - v1.2: Script automatically upgrades ranged gear if you have them in your inventory: studded gear + coif -> snakeskin + boots and bandana -> green/blue/red/black d hides - v1.3: Script will hop worlds if there is already another cannon in your world until it finds an open world (relevant when starting the script or when logging back in after a break) - v1.4: added some failsafes so script wont stop because the client loads the inventory to slow after logging in - v1.5: Added high alchemy support. - v1.6: Improved worldhopping - v1.7: small fix because of api changes
    1 point
  6. ────────────── PREMIUM SUITE ────────────── ─────────────── FREE / VIP+ ─────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ⌠ Sand crabs - $4,99 | Rooftop Agility - $5,99 | AIO Smither - $4,99 | AIO Cooker - $3,99 | Unicow Killer - Β£3,99 | Chest Thiever - Β£2,99 | Rock crabs - $4,99 | Rune Sudoku - $9,99 ⌑ ⌠ AIO Herblore - FREE & OPEN-SOURCE | Auto Alcher - FREE | Den Cooker - FREE | Gilded Altar - FREE | AIO Miner - VIP+ ⌑ ──────────────────────────────────── What is a trial? A trial is a chance for you to give any of my scripts a test run. After following the instructions below, you will receive unrestricted access to the respective script for 24 hours starting when the trial is assigned. Your trial request will be processed when I log in. The trial lasts for 24 hours to cater for time zones, such that no matter when I start the trial, you should still get a chance to use the script. Rules: Only 1 trial per user per script. How to get a trial: 'Like' this thread AND the corresponding script thread using the button at the bottom right of the original post. Reply to this thread with the name of the script you would like a trial for. Your request will be processed as soon as I log in. If i'm taking a while, i'm probably asleep! Check back in the morning Once I process your request, you will have the script in your collection (just like any other SDN script) for 24 hours. Private scripts: Unfortunately I do not currently offer private scripts. ________________________________________ Thanks in advance and enjoy your trial! -Apaec.
    1 point
  7. View in store ($3,99 for lifetime access) Features: Supports every location you would ever want to cook (anywhere missing? request it!) Supports almost every food item cookable on a range or fire (anything missing? request it!) Smart Target-oriented back-end stops the script when you have accomplished your desired goal Option to move mouse outside screen while cooking to simulate human AFKing Where Make-All isn't available, A Gaussian distribution based suffixed string generation algorithm randomises entered Make-X values Utilises a combination of WebWalking and recorded paths to ensure the script never strays from it's job Simple, intuitive GUI which auto-detects your food and location based on your inventory and minimap position Stable cooking & banking algorithms, tuned individually for each food item and bank Clean, informative, Anti-aliased, un-obstructive and fully movable self-generating paint Movable on-canvas scrolling console logger Efficient script logic ensures an EXP-optimised experience Normally distributed response times to simulate a human's reflexes Stops & logs out when out of food, saving your progress to the console and web Dynamic signatures allow you to track your progress as you use the script Handles obstacles and doors between the bank and the range to ensure door spammers cannot hinder your gains CLI is supported for all hardcore chef needs ... and many more ... Supported food: This script only supports cooking these food items on ranges/fires, it will not combine ingredients to make items such as Tuna potatoes or Pineapple pizzas. Shrimp Anchovies Sardine Herring Mackerel Chicken Beef Bear meat Rabbit Rat meat Sinew from Bear meat Sinew from Beef Trout Salmon Cod Pike Bass Rainbow fish Tuna Lobster Swordfish Monkfish Shark Dark crab Sea turtle Manta ray Anglerfish Karambwan Poison Karambwan Bowl of Water Uncooked pizza Potato Seaweed Sweetcorn Stew (new!) Curry (new!) Just ask for a new food item to be added! Supported locations: Rogues den Lumbridge Kitchen (new!) Catherby Nardah Tzhaar City Al-Kharid Zanaris Neitiznot Varrock East Hosidius Kitchen Gnome Stronghold Varrock Cooks' Guild Port Khazard Edgeville Mor Ul Rek Myths' Guild (new!) Just ask for a new location to be added! Why choose APA Scripts? As an experienced veteran scripter here on OSBot, I strive to give you the best user experience that I can by providing frequent updates and fixes. With over 40 cumulative 5 star reviews on the store, as well as my Scripter III rank, you know you're in safe hands. Want something added? Don't like something? Have an awesome proggie to share? Let me know! Example GUI: Starting from CLI: Gallery: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits:
    1 point
  8. View in store $4.99 for lifetime access Key Features: Supports Bar smelting, Cannonball making and Item smithing Supports all tradeable bars for both smithing and smelting, with support for material-unique items (full list below) Supports the above activities in all locations you would ever want to perform them (full list below) Smart activity-based framework allows you to schedule tasks to be performed in succession (details below) Simple and intuitive start-up interface hosting the activity editor (Optional) Informative, concise, self-generating, recolourable and movable paint tracks useful run-time data (Optional) On-screen movable console logger to notify you exactly what the script is doing at any point in time Smart Gaussian-distribution derived Make-X value generator supporting letter scalar suffixes (Optional) Moves the mouse outside the game screen while idle Utilises the OSBot map web system with obstacle handling for inter-location traversal* (Optional) Ring of forging support for iron smelting ...and many more! *The OSBot web is very reliable however can occasionally (understandably) struggle with longer inter-location distances. As a result, I would highly recommend supervising the script while inter-location transitions take place. Supported Locations: Supported Bars: Bronze [1x tin ore, 1x copper ore] Iron (with & without Rings of forging) [1x iron ore] Silver [1x silver ore] Steel [1x iron ore, 1x coal ore] Gold [1x gold ore] Mithril [1x mithril ore, 4x coal ore] Adamant [1x adamantite ore, 6x coal ore] Runite [1x runite ore, 8x coal ore] Supported Smithing items: All generic material-independant items (e.g platebodies, knives, dart tips, etc...) Material dependant items: Bronze wire (bronze) Iron spit (iron) Oil lantern frame (iron) Studs (steel) Bullseye lantern (steel) Cannonballs (steel) Mith grapple tip (mithril) Activity based framework: The script features a fully-fledged activity system. This system allows you to completely customise each botting session and tailor it to the needs of your account. The system allows for 'activities' to be queued in sequence, whereby when started, the script will proceed to execute and attempt to fulfill each activity in turn. An activity is comprised of two parts - the task and the target. An example of a task may (arbitrarily) be 'Smelting gold bars at Edgeville' and an example of a target may be 'until level 70 Smithing achieved'. Both the task and the target can be fully customised to your needs, then saved and queued to the session activity manager. Task options: Smelting Bars (in a furnace) Making Cannonballs (in a furnace) Forging items (on an anvil) Target options: ... until out of supplies ... until level Ξ» reached ... until Ξ» experience gained ... until Ξ» minutes passed (where Ξ» is some inputted integer value) It is worth noting that by default all tasks are automatically considered complete if insufficient resources to perform the task are present. Setting up: Example paint: Gallery: Credits:
    1 point
  9. Hah great, thanks so much!!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Odd, I've done animal magnetism 3-4x with this script recently and it hasn't made that error
    1 point
  12. gotta give you kudos here this is fantastic one of my accounts got a temp macro ban (not related to this script) so had a blackmark, I figured may as well milk the account, went ham ran it for two and a half days (excluding breaks & going to bed at night) using HW mouse, new mouse, and mirror mode I'm still here account still standing despite the warning I already had gonna take it as some kind of divine intervention and bot carefully do this every now and then for a few hours or something
    1 point
  13. Could I have a trial please?
    1 point
  14. Sure - trial activated -Apa
    1 point
  15. ok well after using your bot very well made tbh as are your other bots thank you khal
    1 point
  16. Ive been botting for about almost 3 weeks now with mirror mode and using new mouse / hardware mouse where it will use your desktop's actual mouse to interact with the game I launched a virtual machine to keep using the hardware mouse while using my computer for other things
    1 point
  17. im not using the new mouse not sure what its for to be honnest and you should try it and make your own mind up
    1 point
  18. https://osbot.org/forum/store/category/28-osbot-membership/
    1 point
  19. maybe 6m for 35 smithing just cuz of members maybe 10m for hcim clue hunter is pointless to get still get hit 1 damage if your naked and lv 3 with 10hp
    1 point
  20. they went for about 8m but i doubt people r buying atm as fungus market has fallen so much from 800ea to 350 ea
    1 point
  21. ive had a 2 day banned account i still botted on it but i just switched to mirrior mode and its been fine but still a risk
    1 point
  22. i would like a trail please
    1 point
  23. use mirror mode and use the new hardware mouse and i would not recommend botting 4-5 hours at a time on weekdays
    1 point
  24. Nice update! Ironmen everywhere thank u
    1 point
  25. During waterfall quest the script has our character going into the tomb where all the moss giants and skeletons without a stamina pot. So without run energy they bash the hell out of low level characters. Same with inside the waterfall where the lessor demons are no stam potion .
    1 point
  26. Hi Can I get a trial please Thanks
    1 point
  27. Just caught my first ban on 2 accounts after roughly 1b farmed with breaks. Someone must have noticed the vorkath bots and started keeping an eye out
    1 point
  28. This script clearly works people...
    1 point
  29. bugged as fuck on varrock course
    1 point
  30. got banned in 3 hours I was doing with breaks. 30min bot - 25min break.
    1 point
  31. I'd like to trial this script if you don't mind please
    1 point
  32. Click on words to check the photo : OSRS Stats Bank also 107 quest points and RS3 account with alot of good stats and priff unlocked RS3 Stats Bank and other untrades etc
    1 point
  33. Looking for zulrah ready accounts. dm me
    1 point
  34. Hey guys, I was using a script to level my account and let it run for quite a long time and received a 2 day ban. I understand this is completely my fault for not shutting off the bot sooner. If I keep bottling on the same account am I sure to get perma banned? Or is there a way I could still be fine if I reduced the duration of the sessions? Any advice is extremely appreciated. thank you
    0 points
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