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Everything posted by Tka619

  1. how long would completion take roughly?
  2. looking for 50-99 str at crabs on a pure with 50 attack 1 def must remain 1 def and 50 att give price in 07 dont ask me to join your discord unless you give me a price.
  3. do i need steam now to use mirror mode been awhile snice ive botted
  4. 68 hunter wanting 10k red chins ill pay ge value for chins + a gp/xp
  5. Tka619

    LMS Bots

    whos got the LMS script i want
  6. have a account $100 usd 82 slayer 99 range 99 def 97 magic
  7. Have 1 Starter ironman with 550+ total full wintertod outfit and 2 60+ agility ironman with 200+ marks on each #1 https://gyazo.com/b618984c80402a6ec3a4fb681cce1a2f #2 https://gyazo.com/acd1ed849b5476c6800473fb67beb3b7 #3 https://gyazo.com/0268bb91920aec09ec58face816cd1b0 #1 https://gyazo.com/ffc5f04d9f3d8433f8b2e4ab9d627f9f #1 https://gyazo.com/f900b2970bc3cf2a87ae2eab3f17a659 #2 https://gyazo.com/ab5d468d76626bd88622db171c920d74 #3 https://gyazo.com/a9307e630fa6ba7e37648588ac5e569e No quests on account 2 and 3 and only couple done on account 1 but not worth to mention Accepting 07 gold and paypal You first unless trusted might use a middleman #1 https://gyazo.com/1df6ae45a4a45c59b2fb5ac05fa7a61f #2 https://gyazo.com/5054795bdaf7c11f1be77d4c7751aa45 #3 https://gyazo.com/dfaa2557fb182eee891a20a107936655 I am oo of each account accounts registered will transfer to yours
  8. Tka619


    yeh it still dropping even with grinder ticked
  9. Tka619


    @Tom how do i get it to use the grinder? i have it selected but it just drops my innovatory instead of going to the sand grindeR?
  10. have 1800 total main 122 cb
  11. have 2 ironmans with 63 agility 200+ marks of grace both have 2 day bans
  12. 70 def 77 range 81 magic 73hp 48 prayer has a 2 day ban 60m if keen
  13. got a 101 cb Hardcore ironman 1592 total barrows gloves torso fire cape slayer helm imbued dragon defender
  14. i have a really good rs3 account if your keen user name login etc has had a few bans and mutes but long as dont bot you wont get banned max combat 116 dung 99 herb 99 pray and sum etc 2397 total level i quit account when eco came out
  15. selling my unbanned main Squashed banned no longer need as i have a 126 main 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/f621348db8fdf6aaf6df49c16200d919 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://gyazo.com/5a003b7267955472b42ccd37c2daf510 3. Pictures of the quests completed https://gyazo.com/8bb0e5503218bc2088ae1af1f277d362 4. The price you will be starting bids at 75$ usd 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 110 usd or 07 gp value 6. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 gp and paypal 7. Your trading conditions you first i might go first denping who u r 8. Pictures of the account status Account History - RuneScape | Old School RuneScape - Google Chrome (gyazo.com) 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address i am oo account doesnt come with email as its fake
  16. have 2 with 63 agility 200+ marks has had a 2 day ban on both and they are ironman if that matters
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