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does new version support smart safespot with multi-tile npc? instead of multi-tile support, sticky npc will work just fine

when there are multiple items to loot in 1 drop with safespot enabled the script spazzes (loots 1 item goes to safe spot then goes back to loot the other item). can u make it loot all items before going to safespot?

Edited by cell96
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Yeh looting is the next action to be converted into the event queue, first I added the basic ones (eating, potions, prayer, special attacks), then I will add looting, alching, bone burying, bones to peaches, etc. I will also be adding soul bearer support in the next major script version.

Keep the suggestions/ideas/errors coming guys more updates and features to come ^^ :D 

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13 hours ago, Czar said:

Which exact script settings did you enable? Prayer flick isn't supported with the new script engine :( What's Inventory layout and gui settings and I will patch ASAP :D If it's anything to do with prayer, confirm please :D Also if possible, paste the console error logs, it should say: 'Added event (prayer potion)' or something

Okay update coming up for sand crabs for these two features: banking + crash hop feature. So I will be making the crash hop feature trigger as soon as any crab within a 2 tile vicinity attacks any other player except the script's player. I will make the script wait until it's out of combat to hop though, that was a missing feature in the plugin.

It works now~ Not sure what was the issue

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1 hour ago, Ashir said:

well, after using this on sand crabs from 30/30/30 i got 60/60/60 in around 20 hours, using trial but am going to buy this for sure (just a heads up, if your doing edgeville chaos druids, after banking and coming back it only attacks thugs but that might just be because i was using bury bones

what settings do you use for sand crabs? mine doesn't reset for some reason


edit: nvm works fine


Edited by cell96
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To avoid attacking thugs enable the option: only return combat to my npcs, it's in misc tab.

For bbd plugin so the script leaves cave, doesn't hop and then returns to cave? Will test asap.

For gdk glory support, yes it is supported but the best option is games necklace + duel ring, well if you want to use glory make sure you only have 1 ammy/necklace so no glory/games necklace combination only one of them.

I will make the aggro tile further away in next version.

Will be announcing next update within a few hours stay tuned guys :) 

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