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Using Middlemen


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Dear Community


In light of the vast amount of scams in the past week I would like to urge you all to start using a middleman for all of your trades, no matter how risk-free the trade or trusted the user may seem, a middleman will ensure an extra layer of safety to any trade. The middleman service list can be found here. Due to the large number of threads I can guarantee a middleman that you would deem trustworthy will always be online at the time of your trade. If for some reason there is not, please wait rather than taking the risk and going ahead without one.


Thank you

The OSBot Staff Team

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  • Administrator

Very nice Post, a list of all trustworthy middlemen would be really nice though

we will not recommend anyone due to so many scammers. I do not feel comfortable having my mods vouch for people then we will have random users making disputes against staff for recommending them and getting scammed. Use a verified middleman or a staff.
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Still the only middle man that does homework on both participants and prevents scams by default via a FREE service. TBH, a general rule of thumb for choosing a middleman: If you think they need money, skip them.


A good middleman isn't free. They spend their time and effort into making a safe transaction for both users.

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