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SOTM Ideas


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Dear OSBot community,


As some of you may have noticed, the SOTW events haven't been a success lately even though a lot of people have PM'd me to ask when I was going to host another SOTW event. The thing is, when I do host it eventually I always end up struggling to get even 2 or 3 participants, so I figured that this is not how to go about it. I have discussed some of the issues with a few people and came to the conclusion that hosting a SOTM event might be a better idea, this means that people will have approximately 1 month to submit their entries, so that's one issue fixed but a few more to go. I will also be looking into better rewards and possibly a donation system to give people more incentive to participate. And finally I will be looking into the issues with the themes because that is partly responsible for the sheer amount of participants as well.


So I need more input and ideas from the community for each of those subjects: rewards, donation system, theme suggestions or even other ideas to make the competition more interesting. Feel free to post them below! (Please don't bother posting if it's not a serious suggestion)

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Assuming SOTM stands for Signature of the Month:


Day 1-2: Bidding war


Day 2-9: Submit your siggies 


Day 9-30: Polls open for voting


Allow people to be late with reporting signature but it would be their *potential* loss since most people will have already voted (I know you can change your vote).




Allow people to "order" a SOTM. Like, me and Khaleesi both want a siggy made for us, whoever bids the highest will win the bidding, let's say I win and I want something with dragons and cartoon-theme and that'll be the theme the SOTM guys will make and winner gets the money + glory of winning and I get like 5 signatures, lol. smile.png

Edited by LeBron
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Rewards for sure smile.png

Yeah there will be rewards for sure, but what kind of rewards and for who? Only for the winner or top 3 (assuming we get more than 3 entries)


A winner showcase on the index page for the following month, and then compiled into a thread with the rest of the winners.



Make first week free week happy.png


Then American independence. 4th of july.

Hmm I don't think the devs are going to want to update the index page every month, and yeah we will have a hall of fame.


Assuming SOTM stands for Signature of the Month:


Day 1-2: Bidding war


Day 2-9: Submit your siggies 


Day 9-30: Polls open for voting


Allow people to be late with reporting signature but it would be their *potential* loss since most people will have already voted (I know you can change your vote).




Allow people to "order" a SOTM. Like, me and Khaleesi both want a siggy made for us, whoever bids the highest will win the bidding, let's say I win and I want something with dragons and cartoon-theme and that'll be the theme the SOTM guys will make and winner gets the money + glory of winning and I get like 5 signatures, lol. smile.png

So the bidding war will be for the theme and the money made by the bidding war will go to the winner I assume? And for idea 2 we have a requests section.


How about a hall of fame?

Maybe a star added next to their profile for everytime they win it? like in football when they win a world cup

Mhm, I think it's possible to add images under ones profile picture so I do kinda like the idea of the stars. We will also have the SOTM PiP wich will basically be the same as the current SOTM PiP but the winner will only keep that for one month.

How Rune-Server does it, the image is featured on the bottom of the forums.
Anime (even tho i hate it)
Yeah I was thinking about putting up a message in a custom SOTM sidebar block.
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Yeah there will be rewards for sure, but what kind of rewards and for who? Only for the winner or top 3 (assuming we get more than 3 entries)


Hmm I don't think the devs are going to want to update the index page every month, and yeah we will have a hall of fame.


So the bidding war will be for the theme and the money made by the bidding war will go to the winner I assume? And for idea 2 we have a requests section.


Mhm, I think it's possible to add images under ones profile picture so I do kinda like the idea of the stars. We will also have the SOTM PiP wich will basically be the same as the current SOTM PiP but the winner will only keep that for one month.


Correct. Let's say I win the bidding war at 5M:


I want cloudy mountains with a T-Rex coming at me (the observer) and my name "LeBron" in the corner. I know there's a section for buying signature you silly goose but I thought it'd be a nice way for you to collect some money for the winner as well. 

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Yeah there will be rewards for sure, but what kind of rewards and for who? Only for the winner or top 3 (assuming we get more than 3 entries)


Hmm I don't think the devs are going to want to update the index page every month, and yeah we will have a hall of fame.


So the bidding war will be for the theme and the money made by the bidding war will go to the winner I assume? And for idea 2 we have a requests section.


Mhm, I think it's possible to add images under ones profile picture so I do kinda like the idea of the stars. We will also have the SOTM PiP wich will basically be the same as the current SOTM PiP but the winner will only keep that for one month.

Yeah I was thinking about putting up a message in a custom SOTM sidebar block.


Top 3 if enough people participate, and Idk you could do stuff like a free month of VIP, maybe get their gfx shop pinned for that month, or even advertise their sig doge.png

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Top 3 if enough people participate, and Idk you could do stuff like a free month of VIP, maybe get their gfx shop pinned for that month, or even advertise their sig doge.png

Yeah I'll have to talk to @Maldesto for paid rank rewards such as VIP but I'm sure that won't be a problem if there are enough participants. And yeah the gfx thread pinned doesn't sound like a bad idea.


Reward could be the following ;


SOTM winner PIP

Winner's work presented in the homepage

Thread of the winners shop could be pinned (if he owns a shop)

Unlimited SIG Space for 1 month.






Animated Free Style


I don't think the homepage thing can be done, it will require the devs to update the homepage every month and I'm not so sure if they're going to want to do that.

Shop thing sounds good.

Unlimited sig space is too much, that's definitely going to be abused. We could possibly give the holder of the SOTM winner rank some extra sig space but not unlimited.


Thanks for the theme suggestions, will keep those in mind.


A different glow that lasts for the month and potentially a pip that lasts forever (without a glow) showing that you were a winner. People love to collect their Pips it seems.

The SOTM winner PiP will already has a different glow and color which SOTM winners will keep for a month, and I don't think a PiP that's lasting forever is such a good idea, I prefer the idea of adding a star every time they win or something.


I will participate

Thanks, that's good to hear smile.png

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Yeah I'll have to talk to @Maldesto for paid rank rewards such as VIP but I'm sure that won't be a problem if there are enough participants. And yeah the gfx thread pinned doesn't sound like a bad idea.


I don't think the homepage thing can be done, it will require the devs to update the homepage every month and I'm not so sure if they're going to want to do that.

Shop thing sounds good.

Unlimited sig space is too much, that's definitely going to be abused. We could possibly give the holder of the SOTM winner rank some extra sig space but not unlimited.


Thanks for the theme suggestions, will keep those in mind.


The SOTM winner PiP will already has a different glow and color which SOTM winners will keep for a month, and I don't think a PiP that's lasting forever is such a good idea, I prefer the idea of adding a star every time they win or something.


Thanks, that's good to hear smile.png

I think adding a star every time someone wins is a great idea :)

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