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OSBot 2.3.73/74 - Sunday hotfixes


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I haven't tested it yet, only wanted to get the bugs which a majority of users were experiencing. I'll be looking at it mid-week.


Alright. Try to put it on the top of the list because with the slow interactions this is a huge problem cause the bot tries to click stuff while it's rotating, I do that when Im bored and playing legit sometimes and it's hard for me, can just imagine with delayed interactions and it being a bot and all, rarely clicks where it wants to. At least the auto logger is now tho which was the biggest annoyance, sorry if I went a little too far btw.

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@Alek autologin is bugged if i get clost and bot trying to log in me then i see xxx@email.comxxx@email.comxxx@email.comxxx@email.comxxx@email.comxxx@email.comxxx@email.comxxx@email.com

and same ammount of passwords

sorry for my english



when i get clost and bot trying to log in again i see msg that my acc is alredy in game and i must wait 60 sec then bot doesnt click cancel but trying add more letters to login and pass

Edited by LvCaz
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