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OSBot 2.3.15 - Everything you do has changed


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This release might be my biggest or second biggest release here, and this will affect every single scripter and botter here. Not only did I write code to make this update come to life, but @Maxi contributed essential components to make this happen. As usual, thank @Zach for continuing to work modestly behind the scenes.


As the title implies, everything you do has changed. When first coming here, I was often frustrated with interactions. Why is my script attempting to walk on the minimap for an object right next to me? Why is my camera rotating to pick an NPC out from a mile away? The entire interaction event system has been re-written.


Not only does the code look a lot cleaner, it's faster and handles a lot more situations than the previous interaction events. Unfortunately while working on this re-write, I ran into API that was just flat-out not working or only worked in limited circumstances. Although this set me back two days from my initial projected release date, everything that was broken was patched and improved.


Memory/CPU Usage: Depending on the script, you may see a dramatic drop in computer resource usage (up to 50% for RAM and 25% for CPU).


-Re-wrote entire InteractionEvent
--Added cameraDistanceThreshold(int)
---Default camera threshold set to 8
--Added setMaximumAttempts(int)
--Drastically improved visibility checks/handlers
--Design is linear allowing for events to be executed much more quickly with higher precision.
--Added inventory misclick handling
--Default walking distance threshold is 24
-Added setSafetyOverride(boolean)
--Safety override ignores distance thresholds when visibility checks fail
-Re-wrote the entire Menu API
--getMenuIndex(Entity,String[], String[]) is now deprecated
--New method is getMenuIndex(String[], String[])
-Updated Magic.deselectSpell()
-Updated Magic.cast() to check if the same spell is already selected
-Updated Inventory.deselectItem()
-Patched WalkingEvent
-Updated LocalWalker.walkPath() 
-Removed loading gif saving ~600kb
-Removed unused code saving ~50kb
@Maxi's updates:
-Patched DynamicCircularPathFinder
@Zach's updates:
-Patched Auto-updater
-Fixed various connection issues (thanks ikos9 for your patience)
-Updated SDN infrastructure
There are a ton of updates with this release. I'm not sure if scripts will break or perform drastically different. If you have any questions or concerns, please post below.
API Docs have been updated
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