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Bye Guise


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What is life :( sad to see you go Brandon this is hard to see and you will be greatly missed no doubt. Thank you for everything you did for OSBot and being such a great guy. You best make sure you visit back from time to time and keep in touch!!! :(

Good luck in your future and wish you all the best <3

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Sorry to hear your resigning sad.png, I don't think we ever talked but from what I have seen you did your job really well.


In my experience you deleted that rude/unrelated comment that guy made on my thread last night so thanks for that. You also are the one who approved my account sale thread so you have done stuff recently(at least in my eye).


Best of luck on your future endeavors smile.png.

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Well, it's been a fun run.

I just don't feel like I fit in here anymore. Now that I'm not botting, I don't have much to do, and the forums are fairly slow, so I'll be resigning for now.

I might still be active on the forums, but probably not, just going to focus on other things for now.

Thank you for the wonderful year, I'll catch you guys later.




This is madness. You don't bot???


Before you go, give me yo secrets :)

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