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[News] Massive Script Sweep + More


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Below is a list of scripters who have either had all of their scripts removed from the SDN, or who will have their scripts removed from the SDN in 30 days (along with demotions).


Yinz (removed)
Moore (30 days)
Lingoling (removed)
Booch (30 days)
Celestial (30 days)
Digzey (removed)
FearMe (30 days)
Toph (30 days)
Haxafer (removed)
Mr Asshole (removed)
Redeye (removed)
Aeterna (removed)
Bollco (removed)
Prayanthem (removed)
Markoz (removed)
Zscripz (removed)
Jordan (removed)
This has been the biggest sweep to date, removing many broken premium scripts still showing in the store.
I'd also like to announce that there will be some rank changes and rule changes to prevent scripters making a script and leaving with a wad of cash shortly after. I'll keep the community informed after those changes have been made.
Please make sure you are prepared to lose your scripts made by the scripters listed above in 30 days (as noted).
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