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Bacon multi-boxer (done)


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So because sir puggers made a new video I have gotten a lot of  people asking for the mutli box.

You can contact me with a personal message or on discord inept#0327 [254157948585115650]





This project is done for.


  • Basic multi boxer works alot better then i thought it would.
  • Sold the Verbose mode code to some who wants to use it to make questing bots.
  • Ge mercher works great just need to glue my gui to it.


[OG Post]

This is my first project that I would like to release to the public. To learn the api of this bot I made a multi-boxer with 2 modes, 1 to 1 and verbose.

1 to 1 is legit how it sounds if you click the bot will click in the same spot on all acounts good for bank standing tasks(when it sets up all bots will be faced the same way and walked to the same square whit all setting changed to the same as the master accounts).

Places this can be used blast furnace, low population banks, ge merching, opening rune and feather packs. 

Verbose is still in pre pre pre beta. It has a master bot with slaves on a 1-3 second delay(try to get this to under 200 ms). What does verbose mean? If you trade a shop keeper on one account(master) it will not be in the same place on a different world(a slave account). Hopefull the verbose mode will take care of this By using the Api for interfaces,bank and walking.  Atm I have able to do bank standing skills at any where in runescape off of 1 master account with the bank being in any order.

I am running a beta if you would like to test it. All I ask is if I get my debuging mode to work is you give me the file it outputs and tell me any possible features you would like and fill out a little survey . 

**I don't have vip so I cant prove that I does the same thing on all acounts**

 (bad qulaty video)  In this video you can see that the user input is off but when you click on the canvas the bot will uses the Api to move the mouse and click at that spot on all accounts using this bot.



I hope with the video you can get the jest of how it works.

Edited by Nbacon
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6 hours ago, Lol_marcus said:

Awesome! Looking forward to watch the progression of this :) Good luck!

Thank you.

4 hours ago, Ray Reddington said:

Pretty sick

Thank you.


6 hours ago, powerrangeralt said:

How did you test this at all without VIP? You can't even run two bots 🤨

I have a java program that can be ran that just prints out what it would do in the bot.(video below)




3 hours ago, Kramnik said:

How is dis better than just botting?

I do agree that you could just write a script to do a task and load it up on 100 accounts at once. but i hope when I get the verbose mode done/working it could be used to make on-the-fly macros, muling, mass questing, group tasks like muling rc and mini games ,other "by hand accitives" that people recomend you do.

Edited by Nbacon
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9 minutes ago, Nbacon said:

Thank you.

Thank you.


I have a java program that can be ran that just prints out what it would do in the bot.(video below)


I do agree that you could just write a script to do a task and load it up on 100 accounts at once. but i hope when I get the verbose mode done/working it could be used to make on-the-fly macros, muling, mass questing, other "by hand accitives" that people recomend you do.

We already have a macro script on the SDN btw

Also, you will need to account for every little difference each account has which will limit what you can actually do. This can pretty much only be used for bank standing tasks which you might as well just use a script for. 

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4 hours ago, Protoprize said:

We already have a macro script on the SDN btw

Also, you will need to account for every little difference each account has which will limit what you can actually do. This can pretty much only be used for bank standing tasks which you might as well just use a script for. 

This can be used for PvM, even PvP situations where you could rush someone with 10 DBowers. It can be used for skilling - mining, WCing, FMing, agility, etc.

Theres tons of things you could do with a box tool that you can't with a script. You can even "legit" play 1 account and have 10 other accounts being "legit" played in the background, which would save you on a ton of bans.

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1 hour ago, Lol_marcus said:

This can be used for PvM, even PvP situations where you could rush someone with 10 DBowers. It can be used for skilling - mining, WCing, FMing, agility, etc.

Theres tons of things you could do with a box tool that you can't with a script. You can even "legit" play 1 account and have 10 other accounts being "legit" played in the background, which would save you on a ton of bans.

No it can't

One major flaw you're forgetting, is the simple fact that the game lacks the stability across clients to do this. Technically, yes, it should be possible. But realistically. let me take your examples:

Dbowers: an account could lag, miss the target click, and then be still following button clicks, lag, tick times

Mining: Lag again, different tick times, other players coming to fuck you over 

WC'ing: Lag again, different tick times, other players choping down the tree you clicked on one account that isn't available on another  

Fming: Same as before + other players + missed ticks 

Agility: One account lags, they're out of sync. An account fails to go over an obstacle, you gotta stop everything to fix it


These are just some examples of what you're saying is possible(which they're clearly not). There is a reason why we are not multiboxing and actually creating scripts. It's people like sirpuggers who introduce a fake idea to his audience, only for the fickle and retarded audience to follow and come here claiming they know more about botting on runescape than the people who earn a real life wage, and possibly more, from botting on runescape. 


tl;dr: If you think you can use multiboxing to do anything other than bank standing, you need to grow some common sense and stop watching sir puggers


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2 hours ago, Protoprize said:

No it can't

One major flaw you're forgetting, is the simple fact that the game lacks the stability across clients to do this. Technically, yes, it should be possible. But realistically. let me take your examples:

Dbowers: an account could lag, miss the target click, and then be still following button clicks, lag, tick times

Mining: Lag again, different tick times, other players coming to fuck you over 

WC'ing: Lag again, different tick times, other players choping down the tree you clicked on one account that isn't available on another  

Fming: Same as before + other players + missed ticks 

Agility: One account lags, they're out of sync. An account fails to go over an obstacle, you gotta stop everything to fix it


These are just some examples of what you're saying is possible(which they're clearly not). There is a reason why we are not multiboxing and actually creating scripts. It's people like sirpuggers who introduce a fake idea to his audience, only for the fickle and retarded audience to follow and come here claiming they know more about botting on runescape than the people who earn a real life wage, and possibly more, from botting on runescape. 


tl;dr: If you think you can use multiboxing to do anything other than bank standing, you need to grow some common sense and stop watching sir puggers


Maybe you should stop using Starbuck's free internet if you're only concern seems to be lag.


Dbowers: an account could lag, miss the target click, and then be still following button clicks, lag, tick times

Shouldn't be an issue if you have decent internet.

Mining: Lag again, different tick times, other players coming to fuck you over 

There are dozens of spots where I've mined where not a single soul came to me the whole time I was there. If you're powermining iron for example, after 40 mining you get the rock within the 1st tick 95% of the time. Tick difference shouldn't be a big concern.

WC'ing: Lag again, different tick times, other players choping down the tree you clicked on one account that isn't available on another  

Better internet, if you're chopping a tree that has multiple logs, the worse thing that could happen is your character not do anything (in case the lag hasn't respawned). Again, same as mining, dozens of locations you could do this and not have anyone else around.

Fming: Same as before + other players + missed ticks 

Have you ever legit trained FMing? After a while you light the log on the first try 99% of the time. Obviously you're not going to try to be tick perfect if you're boxing 10 accounts. None of your reasons should be concerns.

Agility: One account lags, they're out of sync. An account fails to go over an obstacle, you gotta stop everything to fix it

This makes sense. If one account fails you'd have to reset it.


Why are you being so negative towards this mans idea? As a long time lurker, I've never seen such negativity before in the community. Maybe you belong in p****bot?

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No he's right, without using actual API methods you're not going to be able to do anything that depends on game ticks or can move. Sending a click command a specific X,Y is never going to work in PVM or PVP unless your target is braindead.

The verbose mode is a good concept, and wish him luck in that, but I'm on the boat where it would be easier to script it out so that each bot relies on it's own contained set of commands and can recover with logic around failure events and not just A->B->C->D routes of commands.

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16 hours ago, powerrangeralt said:

No he's right, without using actual API methods you're not going to be able to do anything that depends on game ticks or can move. Sending a click command a specific X,Y is never going to work in PVM or PVP unless your target is braindead.

The verbose mode is a good concept, and wish him luck in that, but I'm on the boat where it would be easier to script it out so that each bot relies on it's own contained set of commands and can recover with logic around failure events and not just A->B->C->D routes of commands.

Well isnt PVM braindead? like GWD?

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No idea why there's so much negativity towards this dudes script, multiboxing is awesome and I wish you the best of luck in your development!


The overall argument seems to be stemming from desync, which is a true concern, so make sure you have a way to correct any client to be aligned with the rest of the group. Could be a manual correction, etc. The idea of desync being so common and drastic is pretty over-exaggerated in this thread IMO

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