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OSBot has a bad breaksystem caus NO DEVIATION


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My question here is ; Is there a way to randomize the breaks but without going far away from the number i put in as breaking time.  That when i put in break after 30 mins for 1 hour it breaks sometimes for 50 mins or 60 mins or 70mins or 80. Hope you got the point there :D . thx for reading i like osbot a lot but the breaking is one of the main reasons to get banned. Everything else is perfekt!

osbot breakingsystem.PNG


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I mean when i put it on randomize breaks would it stay near the breaktime  i putted in? For example 1 hour  breaktime but randomize breaktime on. Would it break for 2 hours? thats what i dont want .. And the point with banning; I tested out that when i am mining coal for example i should never mine more them 30 mins. When i go over that i get banned 80%. So do you think its the script? Or what am i doing wrong? Or maybe not having mirrow mode activated? For example in another client i wouldnt get banned so quick and the only difference is the deviation point.....

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7 minutes ago, jason257 said:

I mean when i put it on randomize breaks would it stay near the breaktime  i putted in? For example 1 hour  breaktime but randomize breaktime on. Would it break for 2 hours? thats what i dont want .. And the point with banning; I tested out that when i am mining coal for example i should never mine more them 30 mins. When i go over that i get banned 80%. So do you think its the script? Or what am i doing wrong? Or maybe not having mirrow mode activated? For example in another client i wouldnt get banned so quick and the only difference is the deviation point.....


I believe I once read by one of the devs that the "randomize break times" button adds a +/- 15% variance to whatever time you set yourself.  From using OSBot for several months now I can also agree that it sounds about right.

Even so breaks I feel need to be changed depending on skill you are botting.  For example when doing agility im very aggressive and will only run it for like 20-minutes before having it take a roughly 15min break.  If a skill is more afk'able I will set my break time to 1 1/2 - 2 hours with a 15-30 min break.  Whenever I do this I also always click the enable random break button and that seems to work just fine for me so far. 

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24 minutes ago, Botthestrange said:


I believe I once read by one of the devs that the "randomize break times" button adds a +/- 15% variance to whatever time you set yourself.

@jason257 This^ I can't remember if it was 10% or 15% the old client dev Alek said it was but still this is correct^. Also some scripts have a custom break handler, like Stealth NMZ and Stealth Builder. :doge: I believe it was gonna be added to Stealth Quester too.


35 minutes ago, jason257 said:

I mean when i put it on randomize breaks would it stay near the breaktime  i putted in? For example 1 hour  breaktime but randomize breaktime on. Would it break for 2 hours? thats what i dont want .. And the point with banning; I tested out that when i am mining coal for example i should never mine more them 30 mins. When i go over that i get banned 80%. So do you think its the script? Or what am i doing wrong? Or maybe not having mirrow mode activated? For example in another client i wouldnt get banned so quick and the only difference is the deviation point.....

What script are you using? And where are you mining the coal? Also F2P or P2P?

Edited by Gunman
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